Show MINING NOTES the gold mines alues of 0 western nye nyc nevada are yielding very riek ere re bullion shipments are being made regularly A rich lead mine lias bas been truck struck on main street at joplin mo alo Y within thin a few blocks of the business center oj of town 11 II D graves craves and sam vaughn the two miners R who found it took out ou at a depth of seven feet over a ton ol of ore in a day machinery will bo be put in and the mine will trill be la in operation right I 1 in the henrt heart of the city after a long iong x w alt ait a party of 0 california prospectors who two years ago went into tile yaqui indian country west of hermosillo mex and discovered rich placers on the batepito Bate pito river river have secured at u title tie to the property tind and have begun to work it bour members of the party have alre auy taken out Sl worth of gold the delamar lilues in nevada art arb in good working 6 order and are f furnishing urn the mill with all the ore necessary to keep its full capacity A large number of men were put on the past month and everything was in good shape for captain do de lamar s inspection recently several eastern capitalists have arrived at grand wyo during the past lek and are ioakim mikii ig a thorough examination of the various various prospects in the district with a view of furnishing morley money for development purposes pur posea those these people have large interests in cripple creek and leadville they are so well satisfied with the surface indications and the showing made from froin the development work already done dome that they have bore associated themselves with several of the claim owners and arranged to tit the necessary capital tu to detera de ilu the value valtie and permanency of their properties dillon and myers who ito hold a boud bond and lease on oil several of the best mines in the seminole Semi district some forty miles north of rawlins wyo are meeting with good success in their new undertaking the cleanup clean up from the last run made A was as entirely satisfactory several new bodies have been discovered and opened up that are much richer than any heretofore known to exist A new york syndicate has raised the money to build a railroad from some point along the line of the union pacific to this district and is now dow engaged in making the P preliminary reli survey the people of roanoke va are arc very much excited over the reported disco discovery verv of a cave care on tinker mountain which is claimed to be very rich in silver ore the discovery is said to have been made by james riley rile I 1 a hard hardworking fa farmer riner residing on tile the mountains lie he claims to have accidentally discovered the opening to the cave care which was closed with a rock zut ut e exactly acely to fit it lie ile removed the rock and explored the cave and the visions of the biding biu ing white metal all over the room nearly dazzled him besides being scattered nil all over the in inside of the cavo cave there was as near the center a solid column of nearly pure silver bix ii inches square extending from the floor to the roof specimens of which have assayed 90 per cent pure silver riley hilcy took a neighbor into his confidence and the riches they tell of have set the people wild with excitement gen charles warren has this to say sav of klondyke all this talk about abou i klondyke Klondy brie being the richest country the world has eer known is allier alder gulch glitch in montana produced in gold and was probably the greatest placer country ever discovered on oil earth virginia city the old capital of montana was located there iam it was as discovered in 1863 and in gold were ia ere taken out of the sands the first year the mines were worked in isa the archie mcdrew or company secured Si AZ in ninety days oft off of mon montana tana gulch they bought nil all the beer kegs there were in the country put the gold in the begs hired ti twenty crity men with henry rifles I 1 built mackinaw Markl naw bouts and down tho missouri misouri adver last chance gulch chero helena is situated for many years never failed to take out as much wealth is as the entire alaska country has taken out take last year and had silver been back to its old price montana would have produced as much x wealth as sill all africa some people are am inclined to go wild 0 over v er alaska but alien it is remembered that this shipment is the accumulated washings ings of six months there I 1 is not ho mile much to blow about R inight I 1 it t licie is a mining country good enough for any man nud one thil that will nill be in its prosperity ben T klondyke xa diggers ire arc all broke A company of eastern investors rep presented ted by prof irot strong a metallurgist of Clil cago im hidir e made a proposition to ov owners bics of 0 in the silver crown crovi n mining district near cheyenne WYO chich if accepted will lead to the immediate development ot of the property examinations and assays essays of tho the ores from the district have convinced the company that the mine can be worked at a profit they prop propose 0 0 I 1 lessing leasing two mines for five y years clr giving the owners a percentage of th tha profits it is be believed levied the offer will wil to IB accepted and the mines devol developed |