Show MINING LAWS Al members embers appointed to the aln ing inc congress Con grest committee santa fe fc N M aug 2 at its re cent session session in ID denver the international mining congress named a committee of five fire to revise the united states mining lan laws s and report its results to congress gross and subsequently authorized the president to increase the committee by adding one representative not originally represented on oil the committee accordingly according 1 y L 13 prince has named the following W S keyes california F J newlands nevada vi 11 S hariting habiting Ha biting idalio idaho IV A dark clark 1 montana G B dennis washington IV B putter potter missouri MiR url the original members of the committee are J E todd south dakota charles V I 1 moore colo R A IF penrose arizona F A reynolds N bevc ew mexico lamar cobb georgia F M lyman utah the committee will meet at denver denter sept 7 |