Show U S investigation lamira C dunham of tile federal rec bureau of labor gono anc to alik alaska washington aug 2 expert samuel C dunham of the federal bureau of 0 labor has left for the gold belt of alaska where lie he will make an fuves ti gatlon and report in time for the projected spring migrations sir mr dunham Is ii well equipped for the work having spent much time in the mining camps of the west ivest for several years nc ile was one of the corps of experts of the labor bureau engaged in the investigation ti of special problems ile iio has been instructed by commissioner of labor wright to make a critical inquiry into the opportunities for business butin for investment of capital erd im of labor wages cost ot of living climate best means of reaching the gold fields and kindred subjects ila ho goes to san and will sail from there august 9 taking the juneau overland route and reaching the klondyke region about the middle of september he will watch the wint winter erand and early spring work and is is expected to send lend material for a special report which it is hoped will be pub published bout march |