Show WAR IS DECLARED TURKEY GOADED TO A declaration OF hostilities dutary beavy fighting begun on tile ahn frontier and ml a general advance ordered grecek bleamer stink sank I 1 t turkish bat berlos near Pro procesa vesA constantinople april 19 1 turkey has haa declared war upon greece und and has instructed those in co command minand of the troops on the frontier to begin in aggressive gres sive campaign an official communication muni cation to the newspapers states that the imperial government has spared no pains to preserve peace but that bat greece havin having sent troops to crete in defiance of the wish of the powers and having begun hostilities on the frontier has ha s compelled turkey to defend her in integrity and retaliate by an act of war tile the minister of war has given ex to edhem pasha in accordance cor dance with an imperial decree approving the decision of the council and adopting the plan of operations formulated by the military commission the throws the entire responsibility for the war upon greece on the other liand land greece seeks to throw the entire responsibility upon turkey for the beginning oi ox hostilities I 1 i claiming that instruction to greek commanders has been to conduct a defensive campaign which has bas been done now however since active hostilities tili ties have been begun by turkey greece will adopt offensive tactics passports have been asked for and granted the representatives of both nations and all diplomatic relations ti severed evered |