Show THE GRANT PARADE now complete for the mon alon unbent Cereal onles new york april ia afi t the time for making application for place in the line of the grant parade closed abi afternoon the complete and final order of march will be made up before next Tuesday but the probable marching order with the numerical strength of the division was given out this afternoon I 1 us as follows military division first division regulars united states troops 2500 men separate brigades of marines and blue jackets 1500 men second division national guard g of the state of new york first brigade men second brigade men fourth brigade 2500 men third bri brigade m 2 2500 1500 men third division troops of the national guards 1 bards of various states assigned to 1 line ine in the order of tho the entrance of the states into the union veterans grand division major gen eral cral howard oward Il commanding men civic grand division civic societies etc for the most part in uniform under the the command of colonel charles F r homer men |