Show DR G OW W SHORES 9 FAMILY REMEDIES dr G GW W shores complete catarrh cure both local ml and positively cures cure asthma bronchitis may hay fever or any 0 of the ease throat brunch lil tubes lubes or liters pull full size SIZ trial ilie size abc dr 0 W tonic ana nil blood purifier mi and purifies puri ties the blood gives eat strength and vicc vigor 0 r burps cur dyspepsia and all nervous diseases p brict e 1 arr boelle Lp Wonie dr 0 W shori kidney and liver cure cur curn all 11 II dests of the kidneys liver and bladder price 1 per bottle dr 0 waborn WAb orf cough cure cures all 11 coughs colds and nd bronchial bronc tirl affections ons om dose will III tito stop ac croup keep a bettio bol la in the houi hause lm large ire bott es csc dr 0 W short st sate oil stops top the vorst ort pilo pain to in one en sai nute for Hea headache dahe toothache tooth iche clamps or colic UM it externally extern ind and lo in teni temacy illy prevents and nd curn cures it usel used la in kimt keep a boule bottle handy price bottlo abello dr 1 Q I W short shores pepsin destroy intestinal worms and na remove be little round nest where they hitch batch anil and breed bred I 1 it never f aits 11 price bottle dr 1 0 I W shore wintergreen salvo cures ell all diseases of the salk removes ril red spots spoil and nil blick black va piro 1 1 P 1 15 1 from r ie koreila ores in ato 5 days C c abe 1 l D dr r a W allor Sl lor antl anti conati P stion pills PHI lure abro chronic n ic constipation sick lck anti bilious ea tacks prica a bottle it if your case c Is complicated write dr G ofes salt Sll cu Lk ari CITY etab for or big new dew symptom list lilt and nl t advice fret ree alf anelo edles prepared and nl by the lh dr G brew W shorn co silt salt lake CITY utah for silt sale ana na recommended by all 11 II drUg druggists lists aa in or seat bot direct on oa receipt of at price pric bros sole agents randolph Ban dolph caveats and trade harks obtained and all pat ent business conducted for or MODERATE frits auito omens OPPOSITE US PATENT OFFICE d cau secure patent in jess unto time than those remote from rom send model drawing orp or onoto boto with deierl f tion we jve a advise vise if or not free of oti charge our fee ec not due till patent is secured A pamphil LT illo how to obtain patents w with ith cost of same in the U S aud and coreaga coun counties count nes sent free bee address S OPP PATENT orrica washington D C NOTICE notice is hereby given that the board of county commissioners will on the day of april 1897 hold a special session of the county court ourt for the purpose of passing an ordinance ardi to impose a license on the business of raising grazing herd herding pasturing or dipping sheep in the 39 county of rich kich state of utah and any other business that the board may deem necess necessary aryA by order of the board of county commissioners ol of rich eich co utah attest WILLIAM clerk DISEASES OP OF THE SKIN the intense itching and amarti smarting Bm arting inci incident to eczema tetter fetter salt balt rheum an and rig other diseases ortho skin ekin is instantly allayed by applying chamberlains eye and skin ointment many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it it is equally efficient for itching itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore bore nipples nippes chatted chapped hands chilblains frost bites and c chronic rome sore eyes for sale by druggists at 25 cents per box try dr cadys cades condition powders powder they aregust are just what a horse needa needs when in bad condition tonic blood purifier and fuge for sale by izz IKE SMITH grut GET YOUR MONEYS SALT LAKE HERALD sliest biggest brightest and best DAILY 1000 per annum or d 11 p per e r month th SEMI M I 1 gon EXLY only per year or tor for 6 months subscribe through local agent or send direct to P THE tae HERALD EMRALD 00 salt lake city utah HOME missionaries april W H lee and A C call argyle Aff eyle W rex and H haanan Hac nan randolph NM hotlos and J laketown Lake town J gibbons and F bateman Batt sinan round valley DESERT LAND FINAL PROOF notice for publication no SW united states land office t I 1 salt lake city april 1 NOTICE is hereby riven that JAMES CONGER of randolph eich county c utah has med filed notice of intention to make proof on oa his hia land claim no tor for the S WK W N W y soc sec 2 and 9 E V X N i E Y sec 3 tp lo 10 N K R 6 E before the county cler clerfa of rich county utah at banh dolph rich county utah uta on saturday the amity day of may wa lie he the following wit witnesses wilnes sos to prove the co complete mEleto irrigation and and reclamation of said eaid land leal cylO 0 george F pearce william corless Co riesa jr and thomas yhomas wilson wagon all of randolph utah Re Beri cister ator farat april 9 ISO grand M i I 1 ti L L 11 na n 1 zt rr y ifie eric FM I 1 J J I 1 T ac fil on wednesday morning march we open up our spring line of X ar D ladies misses and childrens sailor hats flowers wreaths etc gall call and see our line I 1 gf ox in C aran mal I 1 W ra LN Z beenau Be enar ermar IL JL casino mer co evanston wyo headquarters for borham must the the BOSS BOSS is is the the BEST BEST TA the lightest za running simplest and most efficient washing machine ever made alade every one using them is delighted no home should be without one send for prices and description ac K W JUT LA ad H 11 are buyers of farm produce of every kind direct from the farmer B ring biag on OB your hides headquarters for n pi S this spring an entire new stock of clothing is put in at prices that will astonish the line of gents all wool suits at to in blacks and fancy cloths claths are actually as 9 good as those formerly soldat 1200 to 1500 just arrived a carload car load of barb wire get our prices they are the lowest JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF U 1110 KNON SH N 01 10 H BOBS D AND CUTTERS write for prices before buying prices guaranteed as low as the lowest grain taken in exchange on im lement company i JL |