Show panis rost POST the editor of 01 an exchange recently intimated in his paper that if a certain man quit calling on his arligh bors wife there would be trouble next day fifteen men asked the editor confidentially denti ally if he bad any reference to them bishop west is doing temple work in salt lake and will not be home before the beginning of may president budge was indisposed the ear earlier lier part of the week with a cold which settled in his back thirteen new subscribers is the re cord for this week and new adas for the payette nursery childs bible st stories co bros and john H bird final proof while job work has kept us busy from early in ia the morning until late at night we understand plans ara to be prepared tor for an extension of the second ward meetinghouse meeting house 0 S of garden cardan city exchanged smiles and other professional courtesies with us this week A pilgrimage through rich county 1 and it came to pass that your servant journeyed to a far country een e en into the land of the Uto nans and to the cities of lake town woodruff and randolph 2 in lake town joseph whose surname is ia irwin is acquiring wealth by reason of his merchandising he writes t many beautiful signs and lovely se sentiments uti and allows the people to read them without price 3 and the young men and maidens gathered and one to another 0 of ye mining camp its sudden wealth its joys and sorrows borrows love and hatred 4 there was the mine the big strike tho the old man and liis itis wealth his beautiful daughters and their lovers also the villian murder and robb try 6 the vigilance committee tries the wrong man as usual he escapes wanders a year on the mountains returns in dit disguise guise the real murderer is snubbed up short a hanging banging bee is rapidly developing ve on the horizon but the villian escapes this by plunging to his death in the black canyon 6 then comes the reunited lovers vows lots of money plenty of friends happy homes pictures poetry dingi singing ing birds ravishing music all galore oh jemima I 1 7 and it came to pass that your servant journeyed to woodruff and saw there the splendid temple of learning and blut larsen the goodly teacher and many bright and beautiful children comely maidens handsome matrons matrona and splendid men 8 your cervant also saw many fine homes a hall of merchandising a mechanical ch eb institution tor for blacksmiths two big wigwams for preaching in and trany many alther beautiful things 9 and your servant unto the people for three evenings of many things thing both new and old and the people were very strong and were wera not talked to death 10 and it came to pass pasq that your servant vant passed on to the city of randolph Ban dolph and there was water water everywhere 01 11 and the merchant black blacksmith smi tb former farmer cattleman and the hoy boy on the street lifted up their eyes and saw your servant and wondered who that old pilgrim was waa 12 and there were many good homes fine public buildings liberal intelligent citizens in randolph and peace and prosperity rr reigns igns in all her borders bord 13 anil and it came to pasq pasi that your servant held forth for turee evenings and the people did not rise risa in their might and smite him for nuch speaking yea they are very good 14 and your servant paw aw the editor of the ROUNDUP ROUND UP and his excellent wife and they are exceedingly prosperous and the roundup round ROOND UP Is a power la in the land 16 15 moreover brother huish and the anther teach ti ach re kindly to your servant and their school is excellent 16 yea verily utah is very gool ool her mountains anil and plains her fakes lakes and rivers her hills and valleys her sons and daughters are verily good W WA A |