Show at the last session of the fible county cobit an ordinance was passed authorizing the sheriff to collect license from sheep owners who pasture flocks I 1 in that c county nty the licenses run from 25 to per year depending upon the number of sheep owned by a sheep men are indignant and say sav that they will test the constitutionality ol oi this ordinance in the courts we mentioned this matter to a cattleman the other day and he be sald said 1 I hops hope those piute diute commissioners can make their ordinance stick it would drive all the sheep out of that county that be great I 1 it be a luxury to have one county in utah not cursed by sheep there would be grass in the hills there would be no disastrous floods there would cease to be befouling of streams no moro more diphtheria no more malignant diseases piute diute would soon become the banner county in utah by gum 1 I 1 hope that ordinance i k agol a go the love existing between sheep and cattle men passel all understanding salina press |