Show I 1 TURNED TO STONE IN A DAY A Cu roxi title of t death headland and I 1 transfer motion A story that re rc ad ida lilo like a 1 chapter from the 11 he Arab lall nights but bul which 1 so 0 o niel ailt lien lim tell 1 is IID lit of 01 no loiba as to its cled ci edibility omes comes from cloo cleo i prang ok cleo CIPU springs S is 13 one of tile most 1 bountiful IU riots lit in the oklahoma country aud tile spas from froin which N aleh it takes its name ire posse post esol ed of if peculiar nned ii lel flat annl TA list t sunday lIdaY bios france berking formerly of st t johns Jo linB in still lord nall kan 1 1 forty of eriq fi ii nil aidi wa out v ilk iii in cine 0 of f the ait burc I 1 arest lite gruve near like hie little N melike Ml liKe 0 and liu be of fill aln grolla was AttrIC d by soine hoine egg c s locka which they found alons along the hie path they ancee almut the lie cizl and sh I 1 pe 0 of f a coif loit or of ryo bread id lut but hollow in ill the i center one oil of the party broke cine of these pecullar aulk 3 and foune tant the cavity contained about a pint of 0 clear water while the int eilor of the was lined with cryst crystil 03 the water in ili tile ilist rock bio van en masi in spilled f the idea that UK the vl water ter billit be endowed with soni some A girtue took it issos slon sion of jt aliss alis anil and alio it an bounced her intention of drinkins drinking the liquid she held ln ld another of the ess shaped il rocks 0 or cr a bowl and broke it thus saying saving all the lie water this slie she pouted pou ed into a glisa glass and batig 1 I mild i hero is tha water that came not from beaulia or from earth and quaffed it fifteen lIftee ll minutes liter later slie she was dead the draught nhe blie toasted had b on ca her dearil do etli potion ro tiou tit the sequel N i the strang ct part of the sory ory the body was taken to her home by her ter sorrowing young friends ind and in due time linie the initial garments made ready her sister AN int lit into the death chamber tu to dresh dres her and as she did so lier her finger ring aln ca baine II 11 contact with the body causing a sound as it if it touched ni aible it was orn so the body of hilss perkins had juiia to stone when this was inas 11 covered it was decided to bury the body the hou houes where it be safer from krave grave robbers liss Per kims was gnp lie of the hie brightest youn women in ili the setti mant and she was vely popular her I 1 untimely death dratin lias has caused groat real sorrow judge jude l hdward merchant of stafford Coli lity who vilio Is visiting relatives in fihs aliis city is nut authority hority for the strange atory |