Show ivady if auy one finds a stray church organ held under suspicious circumstances it Is pro probably bibly the property of the congregation of I 1 lie file pleasant valley church barton county kau kan that Is believed to li the only church lu in the united I 1 i lates today to day that has lot lo ot t its organ by I 1 theft the alie crime Is sonie what unusual usual is as ordin aril y chulch organs oia aus would be regarded legar ils ded as too ton bulky bulk to be successfully concealed liy by robbers robbi rs it 6 particularly hein heinous iu in this instance ns as the lie deat the results of numerous socials soc lils and charli fo fe there Is that ali tile music lil lide emitted em ittel b by y the lilt organ ha hah biad an tiling thing to du do with v etli its abrupt taking off or that tile sin binin iby liean has afroim i ed cot any latent predatory instincts lu in any of the the sole theory antei tallied Is that some ag re gation of 1 parsons soll dimply alini hl ini stole the organ either bebau liec aue e they wanted nil an organ or needed the lionly it would sell for ind and that Is the kha kenil of a person chiefs of police live lave boin been noti notified fled tu to look out fur for |