Show W S A at t 12 30 a in ti tiles I 1 es iny morning knorn i it mrs W S muir ot of otter creek departed tills life leavira le leaving avirl a 1 family of ton chil lien iren anil and a too to mourn her I 1 loss tile lady lin linen ailin ailing for bome time anil andon on the ath in stive iirth birth toa dara 11 ur ter since alien lien slie site s lie las bas ben been very low about an all hoier bilut before she lied mrs mu ir r inho ho lial had been unconscious forsline tor for some soine tune time re mined consciousness arid and realize I 1 that the end was near she called lier her children together and ami told them tri to love one till in other jozhe then asked for ber baby she kissed anil and fort fondl ilInd d and passed au any fly soon lifter after tims thus away a C good god true noble arid denoted demoted jojn in addith a faith ful litter jay day saint respected and beloved iv all nho lio knew tier lier |