Show FROM I ifal ZI AL ILNI letter from arum cook of garden arin city ing il 1 18 missionary lilmon Lt hork 1 in n that til it far olt off lund I 1 left salt lake city dec 11 awl 1 anil and after a pleasant lecuit lei uit oya acro S s t lie mighty leep deep I 1 reached auckland Auck lanil where I 1 met our bellvi beloved il Pred president dent william C gardner ardner I 1 alien f cn received rny my appoint mont merit to labor elder IZ IL leo bird who hail had blen been laboring alone amo I 1 the lie in tho the marlboro listic list rc I 1 began my labor labori i in the hie marlboro district on tile at oth h of february 1895 1893 arid utter after laboring in company with el tier ler bird for fourteen month mont lis lie wa was appointed to labor in the dis since that time I 1 have been laboring alone alon excepting ili an i occasional tri trip P when I 1 could set get one of the tha elders who labor among the maoris laoris to accompany me I 1 have ell enjoyed joyed my my labors very much until I 1 relieved recie reci eved veil tile sal news of ray mothers death since aime then I 1 have not felt so well the work of the lord has made great progress in this district Ji strict for the short time the lie elders have been liere here though tile members ip of the eur Iuro plans pans I 1 K comparatively few at present there are aie a many maoris laoris beon buo nging ing to the church those nho have embraced embrace the gopel go pel are trying to live faithful mil and are very e earnet workers at po pre breant bant ant some of tiie the saints S are being tried mod the family with whom vm no make our cm home were thinking of sending oyie one of their children to lo utah uliah nith tf a company of elders and saints but their lelath es interfered ind aal have stirred up a great deal of scandal soan lal about lie ilia eldr rs iisak ing ing 11 up tip families tansi lioa an ani and I also raked up ill a number of old worn out tories about the Morn ions leading young girls to lo utah for bad aad purposed seq these created great excitement arid and line ne ot ol our enen enemies lies wrote it a very letter it to one cone of the lie local papers and urged the govern ident to take prompt pro action to Il prevent levent the awful IN fill dubins ot of the hie mormons cormons beino being earned out to this article N wo ck wrote a mild reply aepli which has made a gond gol ini ret Sion at and e trust of alfill doing na its great reit injury as was the ir of if the lie not writer riter that there will be kiil result from HIB evil designs ile signs olour of ene enemies inies I 1 have jt j t returned d from a 1 l till through some of the neighboring aci nci liborius libori ug I 1 ments where I 1 was uc ac nipa nied il by elder J ji s IV linoard Linor ard rd we ive held somo very successful meetings meeting san an I 1 I 1 found anally if our frien Is more anti riu about the gospel thin ever and they macd 0 nie file to visit them oftener ofte ncr hut but in ord r to do so I 1 will have to anike my iny vis ts fewer in other parts parta as all my lily traveling is ii done don on foot I 1 often ellk sixty miles for or tile the sike sake of one meeting but they are usually well attended and I 1 always feel for my lily trouble mid kind to thank uie the lord that my illy lot has been cast with I 1 have not yet had to stay out one night the people as a rule treat no us well vo ell many who care but little lilile for religion often inn iiii ice i me die to brina one of ito ins mers elders c vi liu itu labor among the mitor s with ko ith tile me which I 1 do as s often of ten as opportunity occurs tile health ol of tile the people in ili thi part is good at pre present ent we have halt had a I 1 very mild winter with no heavy floods as aa is tile case here in winter at pre ant there are three elders the maoris laoris of this dit ailet tild ind with tile Euro joseph W linford has been honorably released and will return home in ili september coor COOK canvas to tonn it N Z A aalf tur 7 1800 1896 |