Show 1 1 lit hyrum kirn ball of 01 spent several nays visiting ft bends fends in this end cud of thy the valley last week although bear lake ila diab been sited visited sit pd by sorrie very heavy frosts of late tire crops crois will be heavier than for a of years year past and quality coul I 1 1 riot not be better the Aci deiny ila has again r sinned work for another year and the i realest interest is being manifested by the pupils although but few in number at P present resent the prospects are that the achl will shortly have as many as can be accommodated with present facilities tile democrats of bear lake county will convene cin vene on oil M monday anday next when they expert to nominate ste 1 a I ticket that aill ill carry tho county next november the poris brae bra e brind lias has been enan enz ged liged to furnish music for tile the occasion and as they are in good trim for campaign work are sure sura to render some enlivening enliven ing bt strains atrain rain to entertain those who may choose to att attend the convention walker waler rich oliver budge and james jame duff in loot lel paris on bues tues lay for salt lake city where will silma a few days pi lOrto to leaving for the mi B I 1 gitry nitry field celd riders eiders budge arid and duffin are going to germany and elder rich to 10 the northwestern stat o all three are lielie it in liili t beni by t alie lie people or ol HIM vity city who visit them success und and sare safe return home boine on oil completion of their labarg n B ir if lake comity bointy i firla well divided 0 on n pol politic i t I 1 c we have silver republicans gow gold populists lists and denlo demo cratic panties pai ties all of ao nili abc a 1 in flourish in I 1 I 1 condition condi tiou on oil saturday v evenin evening 0 I 1 list t tire the democrats doino ciata hold a primary ili in the court alonse ilonse awl the loy men in tile second ward injecting house there was somewhere in tile neighborhood of 70 votes cist lot lor dole di gatus 1 by y the alts and about 30 by tile INIC ic kinley men inen tile alir ln ta of tire latter are arc in the old coort coo co ort o store of office ice where t nil all kinds of ca can call bk br had biad irce free of u charge tile the follot tins Ning ticket fihs ihs been apen placed in ill tho field 1 by the siler of 0 tins tills county IN W clark montpelier 3 1 Shep shepherd heid an aal I 1 G C atlon ilari S cheriff geo DIVIS davis dingle Tre tl aQuier IV W C cole aole fari paris asesor Ass Ase csor sor J 0 mccart montpelier pro probate h lie julg jal re ea 0 C Dut iford blount inston inato 1 corener boroner roner 13 1 linday olid oid surveyor vor 0 ierisi till in coin ci ili ksionek rs J i lindford SL charles h T liberty 1 J I met rill bennington PARISIAN paris par idaho sept 26 1800 1896 |