Show commercial commercio Com mercia teams leave for contests richfield high school commercial teams will leave today for provo where they will participate in the fifteenth annual intermountain commercial contest at brigham young university more afore high school students mole moie than have attended any past contest are expected to be on hand for the contests friday ac according acco coidin iding to evan M croft corresponding secretary of the contest all contests will be held friday morning A luncheon will be served at noon and in the af afternoon commercial teachers will hold a conference while contestants will be taken on an inspection of tile the girls and mens dormitories of the school richfield will enter the following teams first year type margaret poulson phyllis de lange wilma funn 0 carolyn poulson and lena peterson second year type marie warnock maryon page berne beme dean faiks rose thomson first F arst year shorthand phyllis hyllis P de lange larue orton elouise riou e gardner E evelyn velyn second year shorthand shorthand norma jorgenson 10 r genson eldon jensen edith nielson Nic lson rickenbach first year bookkeeping reith keith christensen Chii stensen jerry poulson evelyn rula despain leah dastrup second year bookkeeping marie warnock dona vee peterson phil beal john cluff hal local instructors are max ilax marquardson qu ardson and clarence wilson |