Show ID 0 hexem A 3 YEARS ilelle 11 nowa EAR N 1 E M E and LUW T L WE att ctt P ID P D I 1 T C h T c S NOW nin OW out of a performance record unmatched in the industry comes a new three year guarantee on the general electric refrigerator this remarkable warranty protects you for three diree full years against service expense on the entire endre re unit it is based on the soundness of the monitor top principle with hermetically seated sealed mechanism enjoy every general electric advantage fast freezing three zones of cold and an austeel AU AH steel cabinet with maximum food storage space G EJ na ER 11 i A L ELECTRIC eal E I 1 al a 1 E C T I 1 RA I 1 C ALL STEEL refrigerator commercial refrigerators ELECTRIC WATER COO COOLERS LE RS COOLERS ada mi in me RICHFIELD FURNITURE cu CO lay mrm on d stores at richfield salina and ephraim AV B C I 1 RS PILLS THE DIA TM AN 1 for ull D id I d pill i JL aahl d ga cold boim ath hn bluey talio no other ilar V for cal conr ask runs reits villa f M 11 fowl SOLD BY DRUGGISTS DRUGGIST everywhere VF miss mary louise winter announces the opening of la mar school Scho ohl of dancing JUN EJ 1931 studio in southern hotel richfield private and class instruction in BALLET TOE TAP ACROBATIC PLAIN AND FANCY BALL ROOM DANCING phone visitors welcome jusup te 0 I 1 U AJ or dovir I 1 summer 0 rayon and silk flat crepe rik 79 ALL SILK FLAT CREPE CIS splendid quality regardless of low price jig give father something in quality wearing apparel on Shant fathers day next sunday and then watch his face kindle with keen appreciation for this occasion voiles we have purchased some very special merchandise in two groups of many patterns all specially priced and gay summer colors C dl C C an assortment of shirts fast colors broadcloths in RAYON PRINTS fancy patterns and surprising quality 79 shirts with nicely harmonizing complete line of sewing ties 41 packed specially 2 notions for fathers day june 21 shirt and tie A ac V N ac c other shirts at 0 elm IES other ties at 48 65 95 ak K C baking powder saturday only BOTTLE CAPS gross 35 25 J ROOT BEER EXTRACT 15 35 25 straw hats FRUIT JAR RINGS 6 boxes FRUIT JAR LIDS 2 90 PINT JARS 89 for coolness QUART JARS A straw hat for father CERTO son or brother A wide assortment 4 lbs lard 44 saturday only sort ment of styles and colors shelled W walnuts 8 oz pork and beans medium 6 cans 4 ac you ought to see them prunes 3 lbs I 1 VA INC 0 THRIFT department STORES CLOTHING SHOES furnishings NOTIONS GROCERIES |