Show ME BE HOST T C L U 0 S organization takes action regarding employment situation wayne county has extended an all invitation to the associated civic clubs of Sout southern heni utah to meet there in july when v hen it is expected that such officials as governor G george borg ge H dern bern senator reed smoot depre representative tentative enta tive don B colton parks director horace al albright and supt bupt thos J allen alien of zion and bryce national parks paries will be present this meeting is called particularly in the interest of having a national park established in tile the famous wayne wayna wonderland the directors of the associated civic clubs in their meeting at V T park in the kaibab forest june 4 and 5 considered such subjects as road problems tourist travel publicity and unemployment in sou thein utah the association went on record as favoring the hurricane st geoyge george connection also the establishing of a mail route from cameion arizona to kanab and urged that action be taken to accomplish these projects the efforts of the association on the stretch of road from thistle to fairview resulted in the utah and sanpete county commissioners appropriating money for a survey this year and the assurance from the state road commission and the bureau of public roads that contracts would be let in 1932 the road from junction to putters rs lake was wa s stressed as an important link in new vacation grounds and scenic attractions and the club went on record as favoring the project and nv will back any move that can be instituted to get early action on the project regarding the unemployment situation the club urged the use of 0 f more local labor on construction maintenance and betterment of southern utah highways looking to relief of the unemployed the county commissioners of all southern counties will be invited to study the unemployment situation atio and see if a workable plan can call be deve deviled zed if the county commissio commissioners pers look with favor on a study of tile the situation a meeting will be called in order that united effort may be had the association will coo cooperate with A C wilson state director of tile the united states employment service service in in making a survey of the southern part of tile the state |