Show INCE P S S E R E USE of FIREM aa 1111 council approves the central committee named by mayor martines an ordinance illative lela tive to prohibiting the use and sale of fireworks in the city of richfield NV was i s hiis passed by the city council in in t their I 1 belr regular meeting thurid thursday ay evening the ordinance is published in the legal columns of this issue and becomes effective at once councilman martin C christensen sen reported that the public property committee had secured pounds of bran and sacks of sawdust which was mixed with poison for grasshoppers and placed on tile the airport south of town to rid that locality of the grasshoppers tile the work was done under tile the supervision of S R boswell the mayor presented to the council for approval the civic committee he had appointed in compliance with a request made in march by the B P W club at their public relations dinner the committee which received the unanimous approval of the council consists of W B pace chairman representing the commercial club mrs leona morrison depre benting the B P W club mrs mae sevy the study club mrs elithe sumner the bastein star mrs airs lucille greenwood the relief society S R boswell the extension service H al the lions club and daniel peterson the farm bureau the city recorder was instructed to write to mr air pace as chairman and request that the committee select the natatorium as their project for the year A motion carried that the airport committee investigate the possibility lity of marking the airport and that if the cost of doing the work does not exceed the committee shall have the power to proceed with the work A candidate Can didat es DISTRICT NO 1 includes all participants residing inside the city limits of Riel richfield ifield one or two of the cars and as many cash awards as there are active candidates will be awarded in this district the following are all votes cast for publication up until last night HANSEN MISS ANNA HOPKINS MRS EDNA HOOD MRS LUELLA I 1 MILLER CLAUDE PETERSON P C PETERSON LYNN MRS AIRS A 0 SEVY MRS AIRS J L JR VEATER GEO B DISTRICT NO 2 includes all participants residing outside of the city limits of richfield one or two of the cars and as many cash awards as there are active candidates will be awarded in this district the following are all votes cast for publication up until last night BASTIAN MRS AIRS JACOB vermilion BERTELSEN MRS AIRS CUARA CLARA Monroe BROWN MISS MAXINE 31 bicknell BROWN MRS AIRS 4 VERNON koosharem Koo sharem CASE MISS THELMA annabella HATCH MRS AIRS CLEO panguitch HUNT MRS AIRS BARDELL monroe LOTT JOHN T joseph MELVILLE RULON monroe MORRILL SHIRL P junction MRS ILA MISS GOLDA torrey POOLE R H venice ROSS MISS BARBARA elsinore WILKINSON MRS AIRS THELMA sigurd 1 |