Show L DET na rn 7 i PROBATE AND guardianship NOTICES CONSULT CLERK OR respective SIGNERS FOR FURTHER information WAYNE COUNTY BUDGET 1931 county clerk recorder and auditors office salary deputy salaries office expense V total administration county treasurers Treasur ers office salary deputy salaries I 1 office expense total administration county assessors office e salary deputy salaries office expense total administration county attorneys office salary expense total administration county commissioners office salaries traveling expense total administration county physicians office salary aw county u y sheriffs office salary deputy traveling expense total administration county library librarians salary salan y expense total administration county road labor material and supplies other expense total county road total salaries of county officers total deputy salaries total expense of county officers total administration of county county general expense registrar of vital statistics health officer weed inspection material judgments errors in taxes rebates purchase of property and all other miscellaneous expenses wayne county fair cotil total district court expense court house and grounds fuel janitor etc distri districh Dis tricE cobit jurors and witnesses etc juvenile judge allowance total total general fund ex expense p en s e total administration of county officers total county general expense total district court expense total county general expense amount that should be levied on the P r valuation valuation of county to cover budget for the year 1931 fund budget val 1930 levy county general 6 mills county road 2 mills widows pension 06 mill indigent 1 mill state road 3 mills library libran 1 1 11 1 mill Respect respectfully respectful fu i ay submitted this ath day dav of november A D 1930 i ELSIE ECKERSLEY county auditor the public hearing of the above proposed budget will be held december 1 1930 at 10 a m at the county court house at loa utah the public is urged to be present NOTICE TO CREDITORS of soren sorensen deceased in the matter of the estate of or their attorneys erickson and soren sorensen deceased erickson on or before the creditors will present claims day of february 1931 with vouchers to the undersigned undersigner under signed JAMES SORENSEN executor or executrix of the estate OLIVE HANSEN you aa can equal goodyear oba Wi aSsa im in Goody eaIr tires C the name GOODYEAR inspires a pride of ownership and stands for quai quality you can get tn in no other tire on the market and is why millions more people ride on goodyears Good years pr priced iced as low as cheaper makes because goodyear Goody car enjoys lowest costs alou through h the largest production fa famous M 0 us hight ghigli G grade ra de G 0 0 dye a apa t lift n de rs all firsts all Life lifetime linic guaranteed full oversize standard SUar stardard dard arih 12 balloons ya 1395 tubes also priced at His torys lowest levels guaranteed tire repairing good used tires up ANKS TI D 51 NORTH MAIN PHONE A y 4 0 executor and executrix P 0 address elsinore utah ERICKSON ERICKSON attorneys for executor I 1 r and executrix P 0 address richfield utah NOTICE OF SALE OF STOCK FOR delinquent assessment monroe South bend canal co location of principal place of business bus incas monroe utah NOTICE there are arc delinquent upon the following described stock on account of assessment levied on the day of september 1930 the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as follows number amt name shares due annabella Annabe IIa south bend extension canal co 1587 lewis baker 40 1750 john barney 13 charles barney john hansen 20 2000 G A mrs F erickson joseph olsen 20 1000 john F morrey lorrey 10 J E magleby alma magleby 0 magleby 54 2703 orson B olsen 45 2255 howard hunt 46 2300 christian tuft 25 1250 utah idalio idaho Sug sugar arCo co 80 cleve clave winget lyle winget 80 2500 S winget 0 P washburn 55 peter D washburn 35 1750 boyd brown 92 M A magleby melborn demill 26 1300 andrew brown 19 beraldo nielson christian gregerson 23 1150 A W magleby carl 20 dwain erickson 20 1000 ferd erickson 22 1100 john B magleby reed magleby 67 and in accordance with la law W and an order of the board of directors made on the day of september 1930 so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold at the office of the secretary of the said company in monroe sevier conty state of utah on the day of november A D 1930 at the hour of 2 p in to pay delinquent assessment thereon together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale LEWIS W JONES secretary location of office monroe Monro eUtah utah NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers office salt lake city utah october 24 1930 notice is hereby given that the telluride power co whose an principal i n place of business is sa salt I 1 t lake city cit y utah has made application in accordance with the requirements quire ments of the session laws of utah 1919 to 1929 to appropriate prop 15 c f s of water from fish creek in piute diute county utah said water is to be diverted at a point which bears S 26 deg 37 min E 2510 ft from NW cor sec 16 T 27 S R 5 W S L B M 11 and conveyed a distance of ft where it will be used from january to december of each year to produce power for electric lighting and propelling machinery in sevier sanpete San pete pet piute garfield millard and beaver counties utah and elsewhere as market demands warrant after having veen been so used the water is to be returned to the natural channel or stream at a point N 1 75 ft from wl W cor sec 27 T 26 S R 5 W S L B M this application is designated in the state engineers office as file no all protests against the granting of said application stating the reasons must be by affidavit in duplicate accompanied with a fee of and filed in this office within thirty 30 days after the completion of the publication li of this notice GEO M BACON state engineer date of first publication october 30 1930 date of completion of publication november 27 1930 SHERIFFS SALE in the district court in and for sevier county state of utah D G Lony longtin tin sometimes doing business ag as intermountain drilling company a corporation plaintiff vs richfield silver lead zinc company a corporation po ration defendant to be sold at sheriffs sale on the ath day of december 1930 at the west front door of the county court house in richfield sevier county utah the great basin group of of claims located by E C ti ansen heber wilson and parley and consisting of 13 claims known as gibat basin nos 1 to 7 both inclusive except no 4 and great basin nos 1 a to 7 a both numbers inclusive said claims are situate sit about two miles south and west of the town of glenwood in sevier county utah V M FAIRBANKS sheriff CARD OP OF THANKS we wish to thank all who so kindly assisted in any way in in helping to brighten our sorrowing hearts in the loss of our dear son and brother rulon those who furnished the beautiful music flowers and the words of consolation we do sincerely appere chate all mr and mrs airs J A parker and family E ME M N N N N N N in A cd f I 1 I 1 A G A aul W F sla N MR mra milo a E ca E linoir LINI ir VT Z N d tw 91 nov H N AT r 0 N at P SO arp under auspices of stake genealogical committee IM mrs sarah hansen garber mrs viola ogden cowley special childrens r mance Eve ninor X ri davs CY admission N N ww children STAKE TICKETS ACCEPTED N us N RENE N N MINEEN N WN rage page inre lada I AL 11 t A I 1 f for cad il hy hi cr Ula moad d d lold gold b hoitt rith ith atu btu dauo tb T TL tilo L no other t h boj ar V alj r alii for fa 11 EI J 1 LS f 40 ys aves S SOLD B Y DR DRUGGISTS THAN thanksgiving IV NG N ENS S 64 inch heavy quality mercerized zed irish OM O M ais 70 inches wide 49 yard S ft 49 yd d lyoa ma may y choose this in cither allwhite all white or with two tone col theres nothing like snowye ored stripe borders this nis is a 2 white linen to give a table ita inos most t gracious appearance 1 this splendid quality that will launder damask is all pure linen a good well and give excellent service heavy quality 70 inches wide ia A value worth investigating I 1 variety of handsome patter nj I 1 mercerized zed mercerized zed DM asnas Bs las ach claths cloths thoroughly dependable for gen colorful coloff ul and serviceable I 1 damask eral cral use size inches incha k patterns some with colored heavy quality rich damask pata pat solid pastels ux terns 54 yai SIB vp cap sug and Bui tchee dugale A marvelous value at a 10 9 price that acs it worthwhile to buy seta for and friends 26 piece set of plated r 25 yean knives stainless steel maires set consists of 6 kal 6 6 tea spoons 6 table spoons sugar and butter ilife the low price makes this om bf the greatest silvera Silv values ever ask to see 2 FE all E N E tr C 1 m ac 10 E P A R T M E N T lo 10 S T 0 R E richfield utah |