Show LAMB off WILL TO MONROE demonstrations program P r 0 r a m lunch football game and dance planned the roast lamb luncheon will be ready and no doubt practically everyone in sevier county who can possibly steal away from work for a few hours friday will be ready for it when the monroe lamb feeders perfo perform 1 I the a annual feat of feeding the thousands who congregate at monroe for th the ari annual event that has made monroe on famous monroe lamb feeders day twenty five live of the fat ted lambs nie ale ready to be roasted and the luncheon will be served this year in the north ward meeting house which is adequately arranged for handling large crowds in an all orderly manner while this annual feast is is undoubtedly a big drawing card and a fine example of monroes monroen Mon roes hospitality pita lity it is not the only high light in monroe lamb feeders day among the prominent guests who are expected to be in attendance to give demonstrations demonstration and addresses are congressman don B colton kenneth C ikeler manager of the ogden stockyards stock yards mr kellog general livestock agent of the D R G railroad co from denver J H manderfield of the salt lake stockyards stock yards and others interested in the eri enterprise ter prise A W blag magleby leby chairman of the general committee announces that the crowds will assemble at the monroe state bank corner at 10 a in and from make ma k e a tour of some of the largest feed yards before going to the experiment peri ment station at alma magle bys feed yards various experiments will be explained and an I 1 discussed di I 1 at noon the boast lamb luncheon will be served to be followed by a public meeting at 1 p m in the north ward chapel at 23 10 p m a football foot ball game will be played between the old monroe stars and the monroe high school team A dance will conclude the days festivities committee chairmen in charge of the events are A W magleby general chairman and dance H roland and dinning binning goold I 1 luncheon un cheon duane erickson and elvin christensen Chii stensen decorations marion bohman and ted bohman to collect lambs and distribute them for roasting lawrence jones football gan game since the lamb feeders day was fi first st inaugurated four beals ago it has biown to such an extent that mr air magleby Blag leby states that thai the lamb feeders expect to be hosts to more than people this year |