Show monthly report sevier cow testing circle no herd in circle 30 00 no cas in circle no cows cos dry in circle arcle is 18 no lbs ibs per cow cov AN A no ibs fat per cow 33 5 no cows that produced more that 30 0 ibs fat 73 ten high coah ren ke owners name cows cons name ab ibs milk lbs ibs fat breed C hendrickson brin 1230 73 SO 80 jersen IV D fitzgerald annie abue 1620 63 IS 18 holstein Hol tem rov ro Christen christensn wn aggie 1500 63 00 holstein D E anderson anderon sur 1530 0 62 73 holstein R riv tv conlen cole spot 1140 61 ua holstein ciol heui D AT davis dans princess aho 58 11 jere jare NV D fitzgerald star 1800 holtteen Holt tein harold spot 1440 67 CO holstein holstean roy christen ten en locke 1320 56 ac holstein C J wall Blick blackie ie 55 14 homem herda of ten cows or more key owners owner name no chaer co average milk fat breed parker dam dair 14 74 jeres vf D fitzgerald 15 5 35 as 29 holstein Holb tein fie herds of leathan ten cows C M dw davis 2 1050 55 47 jere berei harold Old roil 2 1087 1864 hol tem llo roi chaiten ahn tenen en 5 1230 47 83 93 holstein 01 tein C 2 78 46 16 jersey D E anderon ander on 43 94 holstein J L decain De pain tester S H R boell count bent the banner cow coi is i not alvais the most beautiful animal her behavior at the pail and her record as a producer of butterfat are of more importance to aou ou than her beamut |