Show SLIGHT BEC IlEff I 1 N STUDENTS S S H 0 Y C E 3 q Chil ilten of school age do not attend school onia 51 of them legally legall excused acting clerk D H robinson of sevier district board of education completed the compilation ci 0 the cens us so of f the school chool population taken fron from october 15 to 30 all oer the district aich chich coers coders the entire count the final figure dic loze that our school population this bear ear is i loer than last ear mo mot inot t of the decrease altri attn buted to richfield herc less children I 1 entered the first grade this bear ear than last 1 ear in s sp pi ate r ite of the decrease se in population the percentage of attendance rs is better this lear than last N ear when hen the number of children of school chool ape age not enrolled in our school nas as chile hile this lear ear it is the total school population for 1926 is of hom 1823 1825 ore are boi h and 1802 sirls girls the figure of I 1 lait ear car are mth ith bol boi s and 1891 gerh of the total abich includes all children aho vho ho hae reached the age of rix si but had not reached the age of eighteen on october 31 are enrol enrolled leLl in full time schools maintained by the district ditri ct 12 are enio 11 in public school schools outsider of chiq district 15 in utah schools 5 in choals ch outside of utah and not enrolled in any school of these 2 0 62 are not legally excused excused and the parents vill nill li lie hae e to aner in Ju juvenile enile court h they do not end their children to school those thoe excused c 4 for good reloris are 7 boys and 6 girls for ical th abilities 4 girls eirls for mental 4 girn because they ine two and a half miles from school ard from free transportation 4 bos ard I 1 girls supporting a mother nr t r invalid father 21 2 boi 01 ol q and 4 girls the graduated 1 fro from high chool 3 bo bol s t and 2 girls gins holding permits to enter employ amplo ment 11 girls because lie cause the them are mar riad |