Show SOCIETY 0 C I 1 E T Y birthada Birt hda part I 1 mr airs wallace sorensen Sore nien sir air F H gurin mrs airs S R Bo boell and AT mrs joseph joeph jo eph johnson vere ft ere joint hostesses hot esses at a party at the home thursday evening to mrs airs ted olsen the occasion sion ua aa mrs airs alsens birthday annie games antl and dancing mere ere indulged in and at a late hour a tast fast luncheon NN as a R rn ed to tn enty guests entertains at bridge celebrating her birthday birtha ay iy ary sirs hirs george hunter nas as hostess at a prettily appointed dinner and bridge p pirth irav at 1 t h hr r home andi afternoon dirmer dinner aias as erca t fic small tables table attract nelv decorated in fall flowers floater at bridge following the luncheon high scores won non by mr airs J clifford nel helwn ron sirs airs leo lee martin and mrs howard chrestian sen received the consolation prim 4 camp cove D P camp coe coc of the daughters of utah pioneers nill ill meet ralda afternoon aff at 3 at the home ci of f sir ali le lew aia jenson and all lr members lember are le ie quested to be present and enjoy the excellent program camp kimberg D P camp lumber of the daughters of pioneers pioneer will hold their regular meeting friday afternoon at I 1 at the home of mrs mr 11 C r B bal abfal al A 4 good program has been arranged and all members are urged to attend attena entertain at dinner mr and mrs J W olsen olen enter tal nad at a bell e appointed at it then their home Sa Sat urdaN evening ers were nere laid for mr and mrs airs k M maughan aughan Al sir air and sirs J L terr teni mi ali ind ml J it barker dr arid and mrs airs T R gledhill and mr air and mrs mr vern pace the fhe cienying aas as spent in playing look at abich mr pace BIS ais A is the winner of high score core music card and a delicious luncheon featured an eenink een inc at the home of mr air and mrs dwight buchanan wednesday the guests included mi ali and mrs mr A J ashman mi air and mi NI M i A M 31 maughan mr ari airl air l mrs mr C B C luth and mrs anna Callaw callaway av mrs airs cap xelon nelson axas hostess hosters at a family dinner at her home Th thursday urda ee evening ning the occasion being her birthday anni annn era ersal coer on eis vere NN ere laid for tny twenty ent an fn fie e mr air and mrs mr moroni jen jansen en entertained informally at a supper r at their home after the dance on armistice night coers coer were nere laid for mr air and mrs airs howard honard mr air and mrs geo hunter and mr air and mrs airs F H 11 lung mrs airs H S christensen Clin stenn vas nas plessant hostess to fie self anit ed guests who nho called at her home churda Th urda to join in celebrating her birt birthday birthada hda the afternoon anas pent in social octal ente entertainments men t and a delicious Inu cheon vas 7 bened r c ds afternoon parties were inere gi gai en in honor of mrs glen rid ot of manti who visited her par parents m ts II 11 mr r and mrs airs C A stools I 1 last i ek eek among those to entertain e for he her r were mrs airs C A storrs mrs airs C R card and bliss atene ramsay the S S S girls mere ere guests of mis miss s dela at a ken kensington ington thursday evening after owing ewing music mu ic and refreshments were nere enjo 1 ed t k its delm ogden vas nas hostess to her sev mg club friday at a party in which needlework needle Nork vas nas done and music and refreshments enjoyed sirs mrs lou goldbranson vas nas hoess to eight of her lady f n at t a part er sundal swe games acre placed and refreshments arned miss opal Pc teron entertained at dinner sunday in honor of mrs A k F coleman Co leinan of aioo coen arc laul laid for ten mis alis lena hansen aas as hot ho tess esq to the lady tc jetcheri tet cheri icher at a kensington at her horle home friday A tempting luncheon is as the crown crowning ting feature of the gerung glenner alc iner girls entertained the misses lina hansen maza biond mabel and vera chugg officers of the gleaner girls class of the second ward nard at I 1 A entertained the members of tire the class and their moth 1 ers tuesday evening at the hansen 1 1 ne ie it a buic 1 and 0 a cial at which the ithe opera madame Butter butterfly fl as reNi reviewed eNed the story of the opera was nas read by b mrs air jona than llord and selections from the opera were ere sung rung by mrs L A poulson and mrs blis vern blomquist mrs airs anna callaway Call aay assisted the vocalists oca lists at the piano luncheon was nas bened to guests the hostesses hoste ses were nere assisted assi steil in serving b bi melba llod and floy han hanse n in attract ne japanese costumes co bridge luncheons luncheon mrs J B mcmillan mas hostess at a bridge luncheon saturday of last eek at the mcmillan home in sigurd A lop arrangement airan gement of ophelia roses ir is a dutch riker sier basket ith siler cindle ticks holding pink eipers tipers centered the attractive attract iNe luncheon table where coves covers cove s were nere placed for twelve at beidl L following airs W V 0 cluff placed high for foi the club members member mis its J I 1 re of salina received the guest aw aid and mrs W A the all cut prize S itura i afternoon MIR his C J sumner entertained the member of her bridge club at luncheon the guests were seated at one long table with a siler riker bowl boul filled with ith fruit and to aher candelabra candelabras candel abras i holding six orange colored pr princess inLess candles candler for a centerpiece thi tha nut cups and place cards were ere in ello ellow three tables of bridge were nere at play later with aith mrs mr L A poulson placing high for the club members and mrs airs A Is coleman of placing claing high for the guests A most attract attractive ie bridge luncheon was m as presided ded 0 oer er by mr air james carron tue lav afternoon at the johnston hotel cristal nases ase of deep pink roes ro es centered each of the fie fhe small tables table nut cups were ere also in the form of pink rosea rose and place cards in the same design deign de ign marked the places of the twenty guests at bridge follo following the three high scores were ere won non by I 1 mrs L A poulson airs 0 C sno and mrs J milton olsen while mrs L R fournier receded a pretty consolation faor the party was mas in honor of mr carrons birthday an mn enar ar mrs F G martines and small laughter daughter geneil left sunday sundal for los angeles to spend a month visiting mrs aln almartine AI Al artinea artine mother mrs airs ellen johnson johnon mrs airs A F r coleman and small daughter coralie returned tuc tuesday sclay to their home in after spending a week icek here guests of mis Co lemans parents mr air and mrs airs arthur beutler dr and mrs mr L A poulson through mr air anna callaway Cal laa lawai hulcha pui chased ed a beautiful leter lester le ter grand viano piano aich which now graces their home borne mrs air poulson is an accomplished singer and with this wonderful ond erful instrument to accod l pann ganv her i oice a real musical treat is in store for foi her man friends |