Show f 0 I 1 VENICE VE NICE 1 0 I 1 K B special correspondent 0 sir mr anil and mrs mr george brug Brue brueck cr are rejoicing over oer the arrival arnal of a fine baba bab bo mother and baby are doing fine lamar eldrod OId rod isiac eldrod and mrs I 1 N X motored to fountain green monday alonda to take sirs mrs mar lilar oldia mho has spent pent the past month heie visiting re rel atnes latie ali q edna Don domgaard Dompa igaard ard spent the week end i biting her parents mr air and mrs 11 E Don igaard in salina M W breinholt and son revel came down 11 aloin salt lake cit to spend the week end john johnson was as operated on sunday d a for a bad case cafe of appendicitis according to last reports the patient was A as gett etting a long along as N veil ell as could be e the community comm unit wishes him a rec mr and mrs orrin jackson spent the eck end here visiting teacher training meeting started artel st Th Thurs da aught A good crowd is desired for all following fol loving meetings meeting |