Show LN MUST effi TT III r issner p r flow boobe juvenile judge handles parents 1110 w do not cornal with statute the patents p of three families of richfield with mth their delinquent school children were nere handled in the juveni juvenile I 1 e court before judge A 0 neilson Xe ilson fridi november ember tho thoe e parents anere ere brought into the juvenile court by probation officer A 0 saen and vere nere charged b bi supt bupt A J ashman with failing to comply with the provit provisions ions of section one of chapter 92 of the session law of utah 1919 bv bl falling failing to send said jue nills s to a regular public or private school at least thirty each school chol year var unless such minor is legally excused to enter employment plo vinent etc the parents confessed their inability to control their caul ch illren iren hov however ever th judge held them responsible the case was vas continued as the juveniles juvenile informed the court that they preferred attending school regularly the remainder of the 3 bear car to having their parents pay pa a fine or serve ene a term in the county jail according to supt bupt ashman it mil ill 1 be ecea eshai ij to handle some come other parents 0 of f the district under a similar charge judge neilson insists that the full penalty vill be meted out to parents who wilfully fail to comply with ith the rents of said school lava lav aau A juvenile enile of monroe N who to hail had b been een implicated with an adult in the stealing of an automobile accessory was nas arrested by bv sheriff fillmore and fined filled 25 00 bv judge neilson neilon on account of poverty an I 1 the mother bung a widow the court abated 10 00 of the fine the adult in the case was nas committed to the county jail for thirty days by the other court |