Show for a laudable purpose not with evil intent justice of the peace S G dark clark bield court thursday in a case with a rell religious rious background ahen lie he tried the case cae of ohp city cit of monroe versus the proprietor of a monroe pool hall after a change of venue denue had been taken horn florn the justice court of mon loe ioe to that of richfield A revival meeting had been held in monroe roc in front of a pool hall and those thoe participating then vent kent into the hall for the program of songs and speeches mong the performers was nas a juvenile ju enile quartet anti and the pool hall ball owner was consequently brought into court and chained admitting minors minor in the e establishment 0 R P Mi cheNen city attorn attorney ev ot the city cit of monroe had bad to take the pro prosecutors part while kt tomey parley Magl magleby eliv appeared for the defendant after hearing some testimony justice dark clark decided in favor faor of the defendant and dismissed di the case on the grounds that the juveniles jui emles had been admitted to the pool hall for a laudable undertaking and not with evil eil intent |