Show 0 I 1 Redi redmond nond school I 1 0 0 rests rest superintendent A ashman ahman hman paid us a isit thursday forenoon A mental I 1 nd id test was vas gien we re rejoicing oner oer the results we re four points aboe standard co couling cou linc the bo bol scouts took charge of the letual meeting sunday A ery in sr estine program nna was rendered by members embers of the organization and others interested in this movement the principal speaker mr air knudson from the snow college rave gave many interesting te suggestions concerning scouting education parents are invited to attend school this week eek the students are arc preparing to continue their good work ork we hope to hae bane many parent visitors football the boys of our school seem to take a great interest in placing football they take some ome tumbles but all in the game decorations very beautiful pictures are being hung in our school room these make the room more cheerful and attracts e |