Show ZINN BOOK 0 NG HILO by SCHOOLS thousand ne books in homes of seier count b christmas is aim with the slogan the child who ho eads is the aho leads the district school schools of sexier sevier count will aill conduct irom nov nou until christmas a BO ekok 0 I 1 campaign the aim of which la is to hie bie a thousand new nev books in the 1147 cef of the county by b christmas he campaign 1 is a nationwide nation wide one anil and is northa of 01 support for athe can amill 1 issued iss by 1 superintendent ashman from the outlook an un im receded into the inrid th through tile the organs organ of sight or sound as in the cae of reading or being read to is indelible duing the first seven bears ears of a childs child si life he is learning and it lanng ing more things in actual number than he leams through all the ret rest of ins it life the right or ahe aae wrong reading leaves its indelible impress upon the child especially during the earli earh bear ears of his life the campaign as outlined will be carried from the teachers teacher to the pu p pas ai and b them to the parents parent the pa pils of the ecith and an d eighth grades grade will prepare speeches on the ase of a libran in the home ionic the influence of reading on the ines it e of chil iren on the marks of a rood good book and nb ab h a good book is a good christinas present these talks then mil aill be given gien b the students in meetings of patent teacher organization in patents parents classes of sunday schools and mutual Alu in high school assemblies V ef before literary lite tary and cine civic organizations zat at ions ions etc tn in a communication to the teachers teacher of the district superintendent ash sh nan sas sais sg doret dont hesitate in pu han his campaign N we are offering an 0 opportunity that parents parent vill ill v welcome JL contribution trib ution such much aa a the schools school can make in in this direction mill do more rood good than countless counties talks on the school system your pupils hue have a chance to give our homes a real ealce dont peddle books talk books book ex eulain how parents may get good books book tell them what good books are arc we shall offer nothing but veat ills hv h the ap approval proal of book eberts and zhe the school officials of the district |