Show first ward carnival the first ward carnival an annual event will hold bold forth saturday evening november 21 24 2 1 at the anona beginning at 8 the vadious or organizations animations will give a program of stunts and an hour later a jitney dance will be in order while admission to tile the program will be free there will be arranged booths for refresh ments fortune telling a fishing pond arid and a bazaar aa r from which together with tb dance cc the community activity coi committee limit tee of the ward expects I 1 to collect no small amount for the I 1 v ward rd budget the dance will be freel free to holders of season tickets the importance of all ward members in in contributing to the success of th the e event avent is evident when it is realized that from the general fund so created all of the ward organizations receive money for nece necessary supplies to carrion their work to people r not t belonging ng to the ward the car carnival ni v hotl will be just one round of fun |