Show M an application at night tends to keep the pests away aay a ay vicks is fine also for reducing the inglam I 1 mation caused by all bites and stin stings s V 1 C MAD 1 S P 0 F 2 tj 13 over 17 million jars used yearly embroidery EMB IN it I 1 el Y WORK WO 17 K nothing more pleasing for gifts weddings birthdays showers etc than nice nice embroidered articles we are showing t the he n nicest I 1 line ene I 1 of or these goods in in southern utah guest towels towels table runners 1 luncheon sets pillow cases etc A if it is 1 s a gifft or a lady he be sure to look these goods over 0 a J BRACKEN au va T IP CO C richfield utah NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of alvin L robison and mary C robison deceased notice is hereby given by the un der signed administrator of the estates e g of alvin L robison and mai mary 0 robison deceased to the creditors of 0 and nd all persons having claims against the said deceased to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within two months after the first publication of at this notice to bean hunt attorneys tor for administrator at richfield in the county of sevier state of utah dated july ath 19 1923 3 JOSEPH ROBISON administrator 0 A t estates of 0 alvin L robison an and dAlary mary C robinson deceased 1 r i beat hunt atud richfield utah 1 i 2831 28 31 I 1 el t bour 0 fare and warmer and gov ma ala beys made july a holliday all over the hull state but ats vac ashun so I 1 dont gess it will make no diff to me its a bout pine ears cummin in grate salt lake valley a long time ago A lot of them dide from no eats jim dash mister blister george hendersons goin gain to be hed maninger manid ger of the county fare and pay his own expenses also lives to joseph sum men wanted dollers to be maninger manid ger but they dint get the job becaas mister alister hendersons wun of the direck also and nose his bieness fine jm JIM dash mister blister E E thurston is bed county clerk got 3 jobs marlyin leonard buchanan and mary alary shepard got carrid and my mother node they goin gain together I 1 gess they are keepin house now jim dash david hansens got threw with ills his mush inary work ands on ills his way home I 1 bet lie he will have sum dandy eats when lie he gets back jim dash mister blister lee camerons gone down to L angeles to look up a job of work rich sum buddy wants him to take so hes gone down to look at it but if he dont like it lies hes cummin back and mrs cameron went also so it if lie stays she will be there al also so and wont haff to make the trip all by herself they went nent in there bus what he calls ills his car jim dash blanche and katie hatle and there mothers back from salt lake scein the sites the Christen sens I 1 mean jim dash mister blister A B christensen had a birthday berth day a and about 20 people all cum in together up to there house with a lot of dandy things to eat so mister blister christensen sed he wished he wits twins so lie he bood of eat more I 1 dont no how menny candles on the cake jim dash reggie brain plade the organ up to the cinema and then beet it to the mounting moun tins he plays fine and evry buddy surprised sed diff fie ono 4 t yi vision is natures Gica test gift be careful how hov you treat it if your ene e cs arc defective in any way avay do not neglect ne elect lect them dr 0 L dutcher Dutch cr 0 optometrist ito will ivill be at the johnston hotel wednesday july attly 25 latest approved scientific nic methods thoI of testing the e ee ne and fitting fiting glas glasses cs 29 FOR SALE jersey cow wm will hendrickson 3rd ard east and 2nd and south 29 FOR SALE underwood typewriter first class condition elma 1 swain monroe phone ja 29 S SELL E L MADISON B BETTER E T T E R I 1 MADE MA D E SHIRTS direct from our factory to wearer no capital or experience peri ence required easily sold big profits Plo pi fits write for FREE SAMPLES MADISON MILLS broadnay Broad Broa duay vay new york 2823 28 23 FOR SALE oakland bug cheap dr J J steiner FOR SALE seven small poland china pigs inquire macelia paulsen Poul seu 2829 28 29 I 1 fuli full lot opposite e court bourt house corner 3rd ard north and la t east all or dd any part of lot and improvements inquire john borg dorma hansens gone to salt lake to see the sites and live a long time I 1 gess she wont stay long jess th the same because she will get home sick I 1 bet jim dash mister john sevy home to see the fokes fakes has got the big ranch up by marysvale Marys vale with alfalfa on it is grone fine ands goin gain to make a fine crop lie he sed so I 1 gess he will be rich pretty soon I 1 hope so also jim dash mister blister wallace is the ministers back and mrs wallace also but she got held up by floods in tle the canada river she dint have no ark so mister blister wallace went to meet her had to wate in colorado 10 days hurt jim dash mister blister and mrs T D martins home from manti is ware lie he made a dandy speech on ath of july and I 1 ast him what did lie he say and he sed lie he remember it 1 t a all 11 only it about bein patriots winnifred fitzhugh she cum home with them buts gone back now I 1 wished she wood cum and stay here jim dash mister blister billy johnston uncovered a vane of alunite up on there pro pitty near monroe looks good to him he sed mrs airs johnston with him they jess went up for vac ashun jim dash mrs george Holmst eads back and evan from heeln fokes fakes up to lehi and salt lake and rela shuns also and had a dandy time they are glad to get back jess the same she told my mother jim dash my father sed he thinks we are goin gain to live to salt lake and I 1 told the cheed and lie he sed well what will I 1 do for a boy reporter and I 1 sed I 1 will stay with you and mrs markus and he sed all rite so I 1 am goin gain to ast my mother brother it if I 1 can but I 1 dont gesa 9 she will let me because she sed she wants to no ware I 1 am nit es I 1 gess the cheed wood make me go to bed thirty quist phone FOR SALE n two good saddles heap cheap inquire J E heppler H apler as FOR SALE roller top desk in first class condition inquire smoot lumber co 27 notice I 1 want to sell trade or rent my sawmill its 11 in at good running order can chop and log any time now also now new 12 room house to sell or rent E P bean 28 FOR RENT 3 room m modern a d e r 11 house on second north street I 1 A blocks east of courthouse apply to mrs airs clifford nelson phone W FOR SALE 4 lot two room house fifth north richfield utah also acres one block west main road at venice utah inquire mrs lizzle lizzie dotson P 0 richfield utah 28 a S 2 za 9 1 district attorney na N J bates bate has been honored lio nored by the state bar association of utah by being appointed member of 0 the committee on oil judicial candidates and nominations with him on the committee are R C gwilliam of ogden former judge william willam F knox of beaver chairman L A mcgee of price T W odonnell ODon nelI of vernal roy D thatcher c of logan D W moffatt of murray L R martineau jr of salt lake bake B L crow of salt sail lake and athol rawlins of salt lake report made to the bank commissioner of the state of utah of the condition of the JAM ES 15 BANK located at richfield utah in the of sevier state or of utah at the close or of business on the day of june 1923 RESOURCES loans aud and discounts discount counts lesa notes and bills billa of this bank rediscount i ed 2003 overdrafts 3 stocks bonds and securities etc banking Ban izing house furniture and fixtures other real estate owned due from federal reserve bank due from other banks checks on other banks in same town cash items gold silver currency total cash on land hand federal reserve bank stock TOTAL liabilities capital stock paid in surrius surplus fund 00 net undivided profits due to other banks deposits subject to check cashiers checks certified cheeks checks total demand deposits time c certificates saving deposits total time deposits bonds borrowed TOTAL contingent liabilities on account of indorse ments of this bank a notes and bills re discounted with federal reserve bank b notes and bills re discounted other than with federal reserve bank none c foreign bills of exchange or drafts guaranteed by this bank and not otherwise shown under discounts none total STATE OF UTAH county of sevier george H ogden being first duly sworn according to law deposes and says that he is cashier of the above named bank that the above and foregoing report contains a full true and correct statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business on the day of june 1923 GEO H OGDEN correct attest JAS al PETERSON ARENDELL K X HANSEN N C POULSON directors subscribed and sworn to before me this ath day of july 1923 1921 STERLING K HEPPLER HEPPER notary public seal my aly commission expires on the day of june 1927 STATE OF UTAH office of bank commissioner I 1 seth piton bank commissioner of the state of utah do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full true and correct copy of the statement of the above named company filed in my office this alth day ot of july 1923 SETH bank commissioner commissioned Com national forest timber land lan d sale sal e sealed bids will be received by the district forester forest service ogden utah up to and including august 3 1923 tor for all the merchantable dead timber standing or down and all live timber marked or designated for cutting on one area embracing approximately acres within sections 30 and 31 township 25 south range I 1 west S L al and one area embracing approximately acres within sections 22 and 23 township 25 south range 2 west S L M known as monument peak and white pine canyon watersheds respectively within the fish lake national forest utah and estimated to be feet B M ot of green and feet B M of dead more or less engelmann spruce and alpine fir on the first mentioned area and feet B ba M of green and feet B na M of dead more or less engelm engelmann nn spruce only on oil the second mentioned area no bid of less than per af M feet B al for the green timber on the monument peak area and 1 65 per M on the white pine canyon area will be considered must be deposited with each bid for timber on the monument peak area and on the white pine canyon area to be applied on oil the purchase price refunded funded or retained in part is as 11 liquidated damages according to conditions of sale bids will be received tor for the timber on oil either one or both tracts the right to rebecc any and all bids Is ia reserved before bids are submitted full information concerning the timber the conditions of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from tho the forest supervisor richfield utah 2730 27 30 report made to the bank commissioner of the state of utah of the condition of the STATE BANK OF 01 WAYNE located vt t loa in the county of wayne state of utah at the close of business on the day of june 1923 RESOURCES loans loan and discounts SG overdrafts stocks bonds and securities etc furniture and fixtures fixture U S treas certificates Certificate 3 due front from other bat bank iks cash cah items gold ia silver currency total cash on hand 2908 GO 1 miscellaneous Miscella neou total liabilities capital stock paid in surplus fund deposits subject to check cashiers checks total demand deposits iga time certificates savings deposits total time deposits total contingent liabilities on account of indorse ments of this bank none STATE OP OF UTAH county of wayne guy evans being first duly sworn according to law deposes and says that he is cashier of the above named bank th that atthe the above and foregoing report contains a full true and corre correct ct statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business on the day of june 1923 GUY EVANS correct attest W S mcclellan GEO IV ROBERT A TAYLOR directors subscribed and biorn to before me this ath day of july 1923 W E STEWART notary public loa utah seal my commission elires 25 day of at february 1924 STATE OF UTAH office of bank commissioner 1 I seth bank commissioner of the state of utah do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full true and correct copy of the stat statement of the above named company filed in my office this day of july 1923 SETH bank commissioner report made to the bank commissioner of the state of utah of 0 too the 41 condition ot of the RICHFIELD SAVINGS BANK located at richfield Richtie ld in the county ot of sevier state of utah at the close ot of business on the day of 0 juno june 1923 RESOURCES loans and discounts overdrafts stocks bonds and securities etc banking house furniture and fixtures other real estate owned due from other banks checks on other banks in same town 2166 68 gold 2 0 1 15 0 0 silver currency total cash on hand total liabilities capital stock paid in surplus fund undivided profits reserved for taxes and interest depreciation re reserve erve due to other banks deposits subject to check demand certificates cashiers checks certified checks dividends unpaid total demand deposits savings deposits total time deposits total 97 contingent liabilities A 5 on account of indorse ments of this bank none STATE OF UTAH county ot of sevier guy lewis b being ing first duly sworn according to lar law deposes and says that he is cashier of the above named bank that the above and foregoing report contains a full true and correct statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business on the day of june 1923 GUY LEWIS y correct attest HANS TUFT J A JESSEN M C NELSON directors subscribed and sworn to before me this ath day of july 1923 JONATHAN LLOYD notary public richfield utah seal my commission expires empires day of april 1925 STATE OF UTAH 4 office of bank commissioner I 1 seth dank bank commissioner of the state of utah to do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full truo true and correct copy of the statement of 0 the above named company filed in my office this ath day of july 1923 SETH battle bank commissioner |