Show chautauqua GUAR TO MEET the public spirited citizens who affixed a their signature to the chautauqua contract binding them to guarantee the expenses in case the gate receipts and sales of 0 season tickets should not suffice to cover them are invited to organize and take steps to make the five chautauqua days a success at a meeting to be held at the courthouse court bouse friday evening at 8 dr W L mellinger of the ellison white chautauqua company will be present at the meeting to assist in the arrangements those who appear on the contract as guarantors guaran tors are dr R garn dark clark C H mcentyre Entyre henry E beal W L warner dr leslie A poulson dr T H R gledhill N J bates W M nelson J M peterson joseph E jensen judge J H erickson sterling K R heppler dr M markus J C nelson H H Pet ergen K H H spencer henry K neill geo F holmstead C X A mattson andrew anderson W 13 pace J AT parry H N hayes howard A Chai theodore D martan geo M cope J L and 0 J bracken |