Show contest for sixth grade students honesty honesty is a beautiful thing in ones life it if we could always practise it we should follow the example of abraham lincoln and many other great men I 1 know of a boy that proved his honesty in school lie he had a chance to copy some answers in an examination test he said no I 1 will depend on myself and do the best I 1 can I 1 am going to be honest with myself and other people the teacher was very glad to have that kind of a boy in her room BESSIE J sixth sith grade salina honesty the railroad lost n package ot of money out ot of the express car A track walker came along and picked it up he took it to tile the company and turned it in his reward for being honest was a raise in salary and a job for life time the reason lie he keer keep the money was because lie he had no use for it unless it belonged to him DON D 0 N sixth grade salina honesty Hol lesty one time my friends and I 1 were were playing ball leonard my cousin threw the ball it hit the neighbors window and broke it I 1 said now you have broken the window what are you going to do he said 1 I will go over and ask the lady what the damage bill will be leohard Leo went over and asked the lady what the bill was she said eaid it will be just one half dollar 1 I havo have not the money with me but I 1 will get it for you in a day or two said he alright you arc an honest boy she replied leonard worked the next net three days to pay for the window pane ETTA ALLEN sixth grade salina cht y mr taylor from abraham and mr slaughter from hinckley hinchley traded horses two or three days after they made the trade mr ar taylor decided that he had cheated mr St laughter mr taylor went up to hinckley Hinc kloy where mr slaughter lived and said to him 1 I havo have decided that 1 I was unfair with you and have como come to make it right ile he took fifty dollars out ot of ills his purse and paid here Is IE the money that I 1 have cheated you out of mr slaughter said 1 I only want twenty five dollars because I 1 made the trade mr slaughter went home and was v as surely glad that he had made it right wither with mr slaughter sir air taylor was always benest ERNESTEEN HALL sixth grade joseph Ho honesty netty one day as I 1 was walking down the he street I 1 saw an incident it runs as follows A lady dropped her purse A little boy picked it up and while lie he was examining it the lady disappeared he ran to find her but all in vain he ran around many corners but he could not find her he took the purse and went home one day about a week after he saw a woman walking along the sidewalk she looked sad and resembled the lady who had dropped the purse he ran out cut and asked her if she had lost a purse As it happened this was the woman who had dropped the purse she told him that she had lost one and asked have you found one the little boy was honest he ran and got the purse for ler she thanked him many times LAVAUN JENSEN sixth grade glenwood Holleb honesty ty one day a lady went shopping after doing her trading her aims were full of bundles which were hard bard to manage she had a long way to walk home and on her way she lost her purse she went back the same way which she came to find it while crossing the tabernacle square she met a poor widow who was doing the cleaning in the tabernacle she stopped and inquired for her purse but learned that no one had found it so she went on with her search comming back she stopped to inquire and anc talk with t alie e women at work and her son whose name was henry gutoro auford ho he and his mother had to struggle very hard to support themselves as well as an all invalid child of 0 their family in the meantime while the lady had been looking for her purse it had been found by henry though lie he was poor lie he was honest and proud and gave the purse back to the lady the purse contained twenty dollars and not a cent had been taken out for this honest act lie he was rewarded with one dollar by the lady as well as a kind word this is what I 1 call real honesty BERTRUM LAMBERT sixth grade annabella y when bell I 1 was about six years of oc age I 1 went up to my grandmothers she had a little kitten which I 1 liked very much I 1 asked her for it but she had become so oo atta attached clied to tho the kitten kittell that she would not give it to me just before we left I 1 found a paper sack and put it in my pocket then I 1 carried the kitten around the house and when nobody was looking I 1 put it into tho the sack and ran down the street ahead of mama when I 1 came home I 1 know what to do with the little kitten because I 1 knew it if mama saw it she would make me take the kitten back up to grandmother eo co I 1 took it out in the shanty and put in under a tub I 1 left it there for about an hour but it was hurting my conscience so bad that after supper I 1 went out in the shanty and got the kitten and took it back up to grandmother grandmother was out in the kitchen baking pies I 1 immediately went into the kitchen and told her what I 1 had done instead of 0 being angry she gave me all the pie I 1 could eat and then told me to take the kitten back home since then I 1 have made up my mind that I 1 would never take another e r thing that did not belong to me ILA NUNLEY sixth grade elsinore honesty when you are dishonest dis horest you will lose your friends nobody will ever employ you nobody will even try to trust you so be honest in everything there is nothing more pleasing to your teachers employers or friends tile the people love honest and trustworthy boys and girls do not be called the lier her thief or un trustable man of tile the town but be the honest gentleman this story allu honesty one day when I 1 was going to school I 1 found a dollar when I 1 got there my teacher gave me peral permission per sion to take it through the school and find the owner but I 1 could not find the owner in the school then my teacher told me that a 1 lady ad y had 1 lost os t the dollar mrs or the lady who lost lest the dollar lived across the road from the school house I 1 took the dollar over to her she thanked me and told me thit I 1 was nice to bring it to her at recess mrs wilson called me and gave me back the dollar and said that she found the dollar that she thought she had lost when I 1 got home after school that night my mother said that there were very few people who would be honest and give me back the dollar after they had bad found theirs an honest man is the noblest work of god LOUISE HEPPLER sixth grado richfield honesty there is nothing that more to us than alian to grow up to bo be honest boys and girls all through our lives we should be honest hon st for dishonest people never amount to anything the successful nian man must be honest to himself and to others A great deal ot of the suffering and want in tho the world is caused by the dishonesty of others wo ve must all be honest in tho the little things such as the following if we wish to be honest in tho the big things just before halloween some boys were wondering where they could get some pumpkins 1 I know said one 0 of the boys come with me and well each take one no said another boy that is not the right thing to do lets go and ask for one they did and the owner willingly gave them one if one sets the example the others will usually follow WILNIA WILMA LARSEN sixth grade richfield Richtie ld |