Show RED CROSS ROLL CALL one hundred and ninety six red choss chapters cli apters in the pacific division of tile the american red cross have sli allea their forces to conduct the alith red cross roll call which opens tomo now armistice day and closes thanksgiving day membership dues varying from 1 to are solicited from froin every adult citizen throughout the united states during the period of the icil call these membership I 1 fees and other voluntary subscriptions constitute tho the resources of the american awer cabi red cross bioni which support of local welfare programs is obtained bained the american red closs stands pledged to fulfil fulfill to tiie the utmost its obligation to the ex service men ot the NN 01 id war every chapter in the country has records to show hat that se i ilce ice his has meant not only to the niell men but to tile the community itself this work can call go on only if i folks themselves realise that the american red cress is only so big as they mako it said division manager george filmer on oil the eve or of the roll call the job to be done that is delegated to the american red cross is a job tor for the people that only tile the people themselves ies united under a common banner can perform there is no plan for uniting our forN forward Nard thinking citizens in a common cause for human welfare that outstrips our american red cross and with a confidence gained by past performances I 1 foresee its ita continued success a success that means to each red cross member a realization oi 0 community plans for helping ono one another in a big red cross way chapter workers go before the public with the record of what the red cr cross oss is doing now as the basis of their call tor for red cross memberships and contributions in practically every town some community work is being conducted ui under ider the leadership of the red cross that would have remained undone if the red cross spirit had not been established every community rural or urban feels the urge of the national for its gigantic disaster er relief preparedness plan this national organization Is maintained through the network of chapters spread over the area of tho the united states the americ 1 an red cross services to the fighting forces of the nation in ill camps camp 3 and hospitals is an all outgrowth of the remarkable service established during the war that huge undertaking to give personal service to army and navy men and their dependents can call go forward only it if chapter organization remains intact overy everywhere where |