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Show i Fountain Green rs ssss j Dr. Bigeiow to Wei Sprirg City Girl Dr. M. Willard Bigeiow originally of Provo, Utah, but row practicing medicine in Fountain Gre n, receiv-ed receiv-ed his high schuo1 training in the B. Y. University of Provo and after having- taught school a number of years decided to take Up the profess-inn profess-inn of Medicim-'. The first two years were taken in tne University of Utah and the final two years in the College Coll-ege of Physicians and Surgeons 8al timore Md., w) ere he was graduated graduat-ed June 16, 1911. After receiving the State license to practice Medicine Medi-cine in the State of Utah, Dr. Bigeiow Bige-iow came directly to Fountain Green a id located. He has been very sue cessful in his work since locating here. The bride to be i-s Miss Ollene A 11 red of Spring City, a daughU r of j J. 'hn Frank Allre 1 and Mrs. Mary Buiinel Allred of the same place. Miss Allred came to Fountain Green to live' with her sister, Mrs. Henry Jackson in August 1911, where Dr. Bigeiow first met her. The marriage will take place in the Salt Lake Temple Tem-ple Wednesday June 26th. After a week spent in the State Metropolis the couple will return to Fountain Green where Dr. Bigeiow will resume re-sume his practice. The city council has appointed committees for the 4th of July. The following were chosen: Miss Ella Livingston as "Goddess of Liberty," Lucile Anderson, Truth; Ethel Nielsen, Niel-sen, Justice and Gusta Mickelson to represent Utah. The committees are busy preparing for the celebration. celebra-tion. Matthias Allred of Spring City visited vis-ited his sister Mrs. Henry Jackson a few days last week, before leaving for a mission to the Western States. A farewell party was given Mr. All-red All-red Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs Jackson The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Warren Holman J. L. Nielson, N. M. Jensen Jen-sen and wife, Amy Christensen, R -zella Jensen, Elizabeth Elder, Ruth Lund, Ethel Nielsen, Margaret Anderson, An-derson, Florence Allrec1, Grace Hol-jman, Hol-jman, Lucile Anderson, Katie Chris-! Chris-! tensen, Marie Jensen, Jessie Chapman, Chap-man, Ed Bradley of Moroni, Royal Ivory, Floyd Jewkes. Ice cream and oranges were served and an enjoyable enjoya-ble evening was spent with pianola and phonograph music and games. Mrs C S. Augason has a severe case of gall stone. Joseph Anderson, John T. Oldroyd and Mercie Ivory have a slight attack at-tack of blood poison. A sma'l child of Chris Lund's has a serious case of pneumonia. Mrs. Ole Sorenson, Jr., of Castle Dale spent a fev days visiting with relatives and old friends. Elizabeth Elder and Myrtle Anderson, An-derson, entertained their Sunday School class at'a lawn party at Miss Edlers. Ice cream was served and games were played. Emily Anderson of Provo was visiting vis-iting friends a fevv days this we.'k. Quarterly conference of North Sanpete Stake was held here Saturday Satur-day and Sunday. President Francis M. Lyman and Brother Rulon S. Wells from Salt Lake City were the speakers. An attendance of 600 were present at the Sunday afternoon after-noon meeting. Although the weather weath-er was very cold there were many visitors from other towns attended. Mr. and Mrs. James O. Olson of La Jara, Colorado are visiting with his relatives for a couple of weeks. Mrs. John J. Oldroyd passed away Saturday night after a long and painful illness. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon. Arti.ur Livingston of Lehi is visiting visit-ing with his mother, Mrs. Niels Mikkelson. Minnie Mikkelson has returned from Basin, Idaho where she has been visiting with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Nielsen and son Elmer of Manti were visiting with Mrs. I. Edler a few days last week. Verlie Morris and Thelma Cole of Nephi are visiting in town a few days. Miss Annie Jensen of Mount Pleasant Pleas-ant is spending a week at her noma with her folks. j |