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Show F- - - I KftjgibGrkood News )j Mrs. Dr. Stewart is here visiting this week. Men's work gloves that fit and wear the Progress. A good line of buggie whips 10c and up At the Sanpete. Miss Marian Hansen is here visit ing with friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wall have been Salt Lake visitors during the week. New lot Macrame trimming just received at the Progress. Mrs. J. H. Proctor spent part of the week visiting with friends in Ephraim. Ladies white waists 25 per cent off at the Progress. All the usual services at the Presbyterian Pres-byterian Chu rch next Sunday; visitors visi-tors welcome. If you need new hay fork ropes call and see ours, pure unoiled sisal. The Sanpete Nephi Farnwarth left for Garfield Wednesday where he has made his home for some time. Miss Henretta Jensen is home from Califnornia again and expects to live here this summer. We are paying 10 cents per lb. for veal. Ericksen Meat & Grocery Co. Mrs. O. F. Barnes and children of Grinnell, Iowa are here visiting with her sister, Mrs. M. R. Anderson. E. H. Small has been apo inted salesman and solicitor for cream for the Jensen Creamery Company. Miss Frances Jensen returned from Salt Lake Tuesday of this week. She has spent several days visiting in tne city. Lost in Armory Hall a pair of eyeglasses eye-glasses in black leather case. Finder return same to this office and receive j reward. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waldemar are here with their new automobile ; and expect to visit until after the 4th ! of July. I Lost Watch Fob with Buffalo Bill j and Ponny Bill on the face of it. ! Finder please return to tnis office i and receive reward. I A business meeting for members of the Home Culture Club will be held at the home of Mrs. J. W. Cherry next Tuesday the 25th. j Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Sutton will j attend the convention of the Utah Pharmacentical Assocation in Salt Lake June 26th. and 27th. j The increased business from the South has necessitated the use of an extra engine to carry the freight from the Southern end of the county. John Will, and Brigham Farn-j worth and children went to Carey. Idaho Wednesday. Brigham expects ! to spend the summer with his brother, John Will. i Thelma Sutton is in Ogden this . week where she is attending the graduating exeercisesat SacredHeart : Academy. On the return trip she will visit in Salt Lake and Provo. j Mrs. John Meeker and little Mil- 1 i tired and Benjamin are enjoying a j first visit to Meeker headquarters j at Emporia, Kansas where a partial ! reunion is in progress. Mr. Meeker ' 1 plans to go on in July, j j J. W. Annand and J. E. Gunder-j Gunder-j ! son had the pleasure of catching I ; some over three hundred fine trout while over at Nebo on a short trip i ; the early part of the week. U Dr. Koss Anderson will be in Mt. j ' Pleasant Sunday the 23rd' returning ;. to Salt Lake City Monday. Parties 1 ishing to see him mny d so at Dr, Stocks office Sunday afternoon. i I Mrs. A. H. Maiben returned to . ; her home in Provo Wednesday. She : nns b.en visiting with h-T moth t I , .Mrs. James Wilson. Mis-s Aft -n Wi'-) Wi'-) s n heco I'panied .Mrs. Mhinen back ' 1 o Provo. L'an Morley and son, Austin, who c I have been engaged in the brieu m:t-f. m:t-f. ' yoi.ry business at Price for ti e pst i six weeks, returned home Friday f. r a visit. They report things as liuom-? liuom-? ing at Price and will return shortly i after the 4th of July. John Gunderson is erecting one of the finest cottages in this city and is installing a modern heating and plumbing system in it, both for hot and cold water, which alone will cost six or seven hundred dollars. The : contract was given to G. F. Bohne who is installing a similar system in , the home of Joseph Seely. I Miss Christie Neilsor. entertained ; Tuesday afternoon at a kensington, The afternoon was spent in a pleasant pleas-ant manner. Those present were: Mesdames, Fred Jensen, Ed. Wall, and the Misses Winnifred Jensen Frances Jensen, Rhoda Nielson, Viola Whittaker, Olive Nielson, Geneve Johnson, Nellie McArthur, j and hostess. The party was given in ; honor of Miss Rhoda Nielson who is visiting with Christie. Potatoes for sale. Jas. Monsen. The Utah Butter which is made at the Sanpete Valley Creamery in this citv is selling at the highest market price in Salt Lake City, It is one half cent higher than any other brand. Ruby Sorensen has been ill for isome time but is improving nicely. A splendid organ for sale. Apply to C. W. Sorensen. |