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Show UTAH STATE NEWS While riding a bicycle, G. Bern-hard, Bern-hard, of Salt Lake, collided with a wagon, being badly injured. The work of rebuilding the state highway between Hot Springs and Willard will begin at once and be rushed to completion. Completing a journey of nearly 2,50t miles, the Ogden tabernacle choir has arrived home from its California tour of Pacific coast cities. Rafael Lopez, Salt Lake county's manv-thonsand-dollar bandit refugee, may" be in jail in Leadville, Colo, according ac-cording W information received at Salt Lake. Frank White, 22 years of age, an employee of the Utah Copper company, com-pany, died at Salt Lake of injur.es received several days ago in a Bingham Bing-ham railroad accident. The bodv of Herman Cruz of Canyon Can-yon City, Colo., was found on the track of the Tooele Valley railway at Tooele. It is supposed he fell from the train and was killed. Joe Metlek, an employee of the Daly-Judge Mining company at Park .. li-i.j Vi.if nmnprtv bv IJlty, Was Kiueu at i being struck with a piece of timber which fell down a raise some forty feet. An unidentified man was instantly killed by a train near Spanish Fork He appeared to be about 35 years old and carried pencil and notebook with writing, stating that he was deaf and dumb. The campaign on flies will be continued con-tinued with no lessening of determination determ-ination on the part of the city health department of Salt Lake, but after July 31 there will be no bounty paid on flies. The recent election held in Corinnc for the purpose of deciding the ques tion of building 'or not building th Corinne drainage district went unani mously In favor of the big reclama tion project. Arrangements are about completed complet-ed by the Utah state bar association for the entertainment of members ol the American bar association, which will meet in Salt Lake August 16 for a four days' convention. lists of all purchasers of stat lauds who have been required to pa the war tax on patents issued by th state are being prepared by the stat land board with a view to having th amount of the tax refunded. Use of a match to determine which of two cans contained gasoline re suited disastrously to Iceland Thorn as, aged 22 ears. of Ogden. In th explosion which followed his experiment experi-ment he sustained painful burns. Robert. Sedell, a miner, was found dead at the bottom of a chute in the new Utah-Bingham mine at Bingham by -workmen who Investigated when Sedell failed to come up for lunch He Is suposed to have been killed by a fall. Of a total of 1 y 1 towns and dis tricts reporting In the month of Jun the state board of health bulletin foi the month shows 111 as having re ported no deaths. Of the total nam ber 121 are shown as free from con taglous diseases. Due to the recent decision of the postal authorities to handle more ol the west bound mail at the Ogden terminal Instead of taking It to Sac ramento, the regular force of men at that station is soon to be Inert as ed from fifteen to twenty-five. Miss Marion Moliia". the Salt Ijike nurse who was willed Jl.iV'u ii cash and fS.i'Oil worth of bank stock.-by stock.-by Edgar WINon. one of the counsel to; defense In tho famous Mover-Hay wood Potiihono ca-e at Boise. il. not receive tho money owing to the Idaho statutes. For tho past twenty-live years tht Salt. Lake route has boon pumping its water for engine purposes from Lohi. a distance of two miles to its tank at 1-cM Junction. Tho company Is now sinking a ton-inch casing at l.ohl Junction with the hope of securing an artesian flowing well. As his trial on a charge of assaul: with Intent to murder Leon G. Skliri; was about to begin at Sjilt Ike Uregoiios Pologeorgi withdrew his ploa of not guilty and entered a ploi of guilty. He was sentenced by Judg M. U Ritchie to an IndetoriniuaU period In tho state prison. A. C. Uro. domitv warden of ihe state -prison, has established the Identity of Sam Lyon, cracksman killed In a duel with Patrolman Ar thur Merrick and Alfred Hargrove at Salt Lake last week, as Bert T. Mor gan, who served a sentence In t lust lu-st ate prison from October 25, 1902 until January 27, 1905. Having changed his pica from not guilty to guilty, Ijiurlu von Arnlm who achieved notoriety several month-ago month-ago by tho theft of a treasure bo from the Maharajah of Kapurthala Prince of Punjab, from the suite o' the royal party t a Salt lko hotel was sentenced to state prison for tu Imloloniilnato period. The Lehl fire department has Installed In-stalled an elect Ho tiro gong over H ; lire station. Hereafter, as soon us an alarm Is sent In to central, tho te'.o phono girl on duly simply touches H button and the town at ,-nco knows that there Is a llio somewhere. Court costs Incurred In prevent Ins the case of Albert Goddos Kcolcn against I he David l-Vcles estate to os lahllsh his heirship, uinennt u ft'-'M 70, according to tho l-l'l of cos . Hied In the illsti lot court at Ogden ! 1 ml;;"- W. II. Kliir. and .Van c i,lv J i I'liiisi I fur ll-.'j i |