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Show 5 Sugar Factory To Be Eeilt lit North Sanpete Yalley !f n o o ru. a a ... W w W 5jp S3jr? PjP vjp v& YSt w v$p vx? t PEOPLE ARE JUBILANT IN NEW INDUSTRY i : Easforn Company Uill - Spend A Million Dollars Farmers Will Contract Large ; Acreage for the Year 1916. if. Utah seems to be destined to become one of the greatest ri beet sugar producing states of the union. Several new fac- ' tories have already been definitely located and contracts for - the production of the necessary beets entered into with the m fanners. Just recently a factory site was located at Delta and the farmers gladly entered into agreements to furnish tne necessary beets. Still more factories are promised, and there is every reason to believe that North Sanpete will get one of them. Indeed it is said that $1,000,000 can be secured for the purpose if the farmers of North Sanpete will obligate themselves them-selves to produce the beets for the crushers. And as there is little doubt about this part of the programme, North Sanpete sugar should be on the market next year. W. C. A. Smoot and T. K. Copening, who represent eastern capitalists have been in North Sanpete for a week or more holding meetings with the farmers in the larger towns. Monday Mon-day night they met at Fairview, and Peter Sundwall, cashier of the Fairview State Bank, is very enthusiastically urging the farmers to grow beets. Tuesday night a rousing meeting was held at Moroni where the fanners are .at present raising beets lit a very profitable income and being well satisfied with the industry many expressed great satisfaction in the promixo of a factory. Some of the farmers said that Moroni had enough beet land to easily grow 1,200 to 1,500 acres of the beets if necessary. Spring City was also visited during the week and Mayor John S. Blain is heartily supporting the movement. Fountain Green was visited Wednesday and the farmers are doing all they can to get a large acreage at that place. Mayor Neilson has heartily given his support to the movement. Last night a "large number of farmers and leading business men ol Mount Pleasant met at the North Ward Chapel to lend assist-nnce assist-nnce in whatsoever they might be called upon to do. The people throughout the whole of North Sanpete are jub- ilant in the new industry and look lorw-aru wnn gieuu "iJ" lions for the future prosperity of Sanpete comity. $uo0 000 distributed among the farmers of the valley means more-than $350,000 worth of prosperity to them. When a dollar is produced pro-duced among the farmers of a community it is passed troni oik to another many times during the course of a season. Laborers get it, the professional men got it, the merchants get it the banks get it and they, in turn lend it back to the tavin-trs, tavin-trs, and last but not least, the newspaper sees it occasionally r.s it passes along the line of its proper course. e need mo. e money in the vallev, and the best way in the world to get it !s to produce it by building factories. An onterpns.ng young fanner, whom we all know so well has said that a sugar iactm built in North Sanpete means if 10,000 to lum the very first ,. Now, if this be true, which we have every rea son to be hev e. what would a factory mean to the whole valley Let ' ' " en demonstrate it by planting the beets so that the capitalist, will be encouraged to spend their million with us When the sugar factory is built the wheels ol indnsti , hum a tune of prosperity on every su e. Men and bo v 1 be able to get employment in various lines Moll 'H be wondering "Where is My Wandering Boy Ton gh the spit of thrift and industry will take hold ol the o , ng and they will have a greater desire to become prospe. ous jm. men of the community. ..-;, ;r h,,, All this can be accomplished m a very shm tin o i f ... farmers of North Sanpete county will awake to the situati or . and get in the harness and do a ,itt e go earn ; bv nig beets for the into rest of the allcj . i "i I I - f saleable at good prices, business will prosper and the f,rmus will have an abundance of wealth. |