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Show FIND RICHES IN ARID WEST Virgin Empire for Uncounted Millions, Says C. J. Blanchard, Statistician of Reclamation Service. "The Arid West as a National Asset," was the title of a lecture before be-fore the Rocky Mountain club in New York the other night by C. J. Blanchard, Blanch-ard, statistician of the United States reclamation service, who has recently returned from a trip of nearly 17,000 miles, including visits to most of the national parks and many of the federal fed-eral irrigation projects. He hailed the region as "Our last land of opportunity oppor-tunity and fortune." Mr. Blanchard alluded to the campaign being waged by the department of the interior to educate the people to the fact that the "Great American Desert," as it was once called, is in no sense a liability, lia-bility, but a virgin empire and a national na-tional asset. "It Is the future granary from which we -are to gather the harvests for uncounted un-counted millions of our people," said Mr. Blanchard. "Not alone as the future fu-ture home for our children, who may be crowded out of our congested centers cen-ters of population, but as the greatest great-est national playground in all the world, the great American desert Invites In-vites consideration." |