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Show f I Neighborhood News f Parties wishing their Ram's herded herd-ed for the summer. Apply to John K. Madsen who will receive them from the 10th to the 31st of May at his Ranch at Thistle Valley. 4t All kinds of Ladies and Gents Clothing cleaned, pressed and repaired re-paired at the Tailor Shop. Johnny Jones is having a very serious seri-ous time with his broken leg which he sustained in the month of December. Decem-ber. At first it was thought he would soon recover but it was discovered dis-covered that the limb was not mending mend-ing as it should and after many weeks of painful endurance, he thought himself stron enough to no about on crutches and while doing so had the misfortune ox falling and breaking his leg again in the saire place. . Miss Mable Bci-g of Mt. Pl.-asai t was one of the piano soloists at a concert given bv her teacher, Stjow-ski, Stjow-ski, Monday evening at Eolian hall in New York. Miss Borg gave an excellent ex-cellent preformance and was liberally liberal-ly applauded. Herald Republican. Vergie Johnson was home a few days last week to visit with his parents. par-ents. Mr. Johnson is principal of the schools at Spring Glen, or Ewo-ll Carbon Co. and went to Provo tc get two more teachers to assist him in the school next year. He secured two applicants at Provo and being so near home took the opportunity of visiting with his parents Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Johnson is making an excellent record in his school work. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You can do it by applying apply-ing Chamberlains Liniment and massaging mas-saging the parts freely at each application. ap-plication. For sale by All Dealers. James D. -Meyrick went to Manti Monday to attend to the state in- I specting of sheep at that place. Jake Rolf son came down from Idaho to pay his mother a short visit. He returned again Sunday. Mrs. John Carter entertained at a dinner party and kensington Friday Fri-day afternoon. There were twelve at dinner, after which the ladies spent the; remaining part of the afternoon n sewing. Lame back is usally caused by rheumatism of the muscles of the back, for which you will find nothing better than Chamberlains Liniment. Sold by All Dealers. N. S. Nielson returned to Salt Lake Saturday. Owen Meiling returned to his home in Paysn Sunday. Mrs. Meiling Meil-ing will remain with her parents during the summer months. It would surprise you to know of the great good that is being done by Chamberlain's Tablets. Darius Dow ney, of Newberg Junction, N B,, writes, "My wife has been using Chamberlain's Tablets and finds them very effectual and doing her lots of good.', If you have any troub le with your stomach or bowels give them a trial. For sale by All Dealers. Deal-ers. A. C. Madsen returned from Blackrock and made a business trip to Salt Lake arriving here the latter part of the week. |