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Show JLrl A.Merz & Co. ' rii T 51 Mt.Pleasant, Ut. Pifi I I NEXT MONTH i I Do not delay ordering a marker or monument made- ' of choice marbleor granite. j yf . They make the best decor T I ation of graves for dear ones departed. '' A large stock of many designs to select from. f . ,;, .;. ; ;. : .... H, .4 Grocery Offerings for Saturday May 4th. Pure Castile Scap 3 bars for 10c g )g Navy Beans 4 lbs for .-. 25c Fancy Cleaned Rice 3 and 1-2 lbs 25c ffj Evaporated Apples 2 lbs 25c j$ J W Fancy Prunes 2 lbs ; 25c --Vf Pierces Poik and Beans 3 cans 25c ft N Perfumed Toilet Soaps 3 bars 20c P Fresh Brick Tablet Cod Fish 3 lbs 25c Lnslvo Coffee regular 35c per lb N COc New Stock Salt Herring G for 25c l Salt Mackerel 3 for 25c i,'.e!) Granulated Sugar 14 lbs for $.1.00 We offv this for. Saturday only and Guarantee every thing in Ejj, our store to be new fresh stock and first Quality. C. II. EATINGER, Prop. to Don't, be- Afraid, it's an Anchor! 1 S3wsr Selected 1 Beauty M Material Mm''.. lLfh, Wcrk" I Strength manship Comfort 3?jf IT'S TOO GOOD FOR THE MONEY. 3 X WE have over twenty handsome styles in top-buggies, surreys, etc., to 3 B select from. If you want REAL BARGAINS and GOOD GOODS in horse- iE drawn vehicles, We've got them. Please call and examine them. They are different from all others. 2 DON'T FORGET. WE have Cement and Plaster in any quantity. They are going fast. Better send in and protect your requirements. WE are carrying the largest assort- 3 mentof farm machinery and repairs in Sanpete County. We are a local ins- 3 titution, SUPPORT local trade, and hope the local farmer will patronize us. 5 fi WE give prompt attention to MAIL ORDER.S. WE expect you to come sE in and sec us without stopping to knock, and we want you to go out the 5 r " same way. 2 SQUARE DEAL BUGGY CO. M,-r'l "Everything for the Farmer and Stockman." |