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Show In the mat er of the estate of J. M. Chris-tenseu,Jr., Chris-tenseu,Jr., NOTICE. Deceased. 'The petition ot Elizaheth Christensen the administratrix of said estate praying lor nr. Order of t Ii is Court suiting aside a Hoiiiete:id to the widow and minor children oi said deceased de-ceased i-olisislii.g of the personal property exempt, fioin execution and I lie following described des-cribed real estaie, together Willi tne appurtenances appur-tenances and water right thereunto belonging as their absolute propert y. 10-wil: B. 18.45 ch. X. & 4.75 chs. E. SV. Cor. SE See. 15 Twp. 15 S. R. 3 F;. S. L. M. Fl. 5.211 chs. N. ii dt grets E. 4.110 chs. N. 45 minutes K. 7 clis. N. 12 degrees W. 1.40 chs. N. 8!l degrees W. 4.70 chs. S. 21) deiit ees 15 minutes W. ll.iijens. to li containing con-taining 6.94 acres. ' Parcel No. 53 in Moroni, being 13 rods K. and V. by 13 rods K.iS, Containing 1 9-ltiu acres. ' . , Parcel No. 38. being 10 rods X, & 3 by S rods E. &. VV. containii g Silsq. rods, as platted in Flat "A" Moroni City Survey, containing 1 SO 160 acres. Also a portion of parcel 39. as platted in Moroni City Snrvev. Plat A coi it a i til ng I 70-Hiu acres. Also beg. SW. Cor. ol parcel 39V.to renter line running N. ,t S. in Sec 9, X.23 rods. E to parcel 3l, S. to beg. containing l--:l.)-Hji) acres. Also beg. 3.48 chs. X. from SE. Cor. 01 the XV. 1 Sec. 9, Twp. 15 S. R. :; E. S. L. ,M .N. 88 degrees 15 minutes W.3.12 chs. X. 30 nilitnt.es W 5.20 chs. S 39 degrees E. 3.20 chs. S. 5.:.'o chs. to beg. containing I.60 acres. Also a parcel of land In the County of Iting-ham. Iting-ham. State ot Idaho. ixt 2. Blocks, In tioshen Townsiie as surveyed, platted and recorded. Toget her with 9 shares of the capital stock of the Moroni Irrigation Co.. has been set tor hearing on Monday the 13 day of May A. I). 1912 at 10 o'clock a.m.. at the county court House, In the Court room of said court, in Manti City, Sanpete County. Stale of uoih. W1TXKSS the Clerk of said Court with the seal thereof allixed 1 his 23 day 01 April A. D. 1912. OSMUND OLSON Clerk. By F. P. ANDERSON, Deputy. Erickseu Christensen ALtorm ys lor Fetiliouer. |