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Show Notice Department of The Interior U. S.-1.A.NDOFF1CE Salt Lake City Utah. May 19, 1913 Notice is bercby given that l.uuritz C Christensen of f reedom, Utah, who on March 30, 1909. made Homestead Application No. 03110. for SI SWJ. St SkJ. Section 26. Township 14 S. limine 2 B. Salt Lake .Merdian, has riled notice of intention to make Final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, de-scribed, before 1 be Clerk of the District Court at, Manti City, Ulah, on the 21st day ol July, law. Claimant names as witnesses: Amos Bradley of Moroni. Utah. Soren E. Christensen of Freeddrn, Utah. Parley Bailey of Freedom, Utah. Joseph Chrisleusen oi Freedom. Utah. E. D, R. Thorn psoD Register. |