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Show ' Fairview Ross Christensen returned from a mission to Norway Wednesday the tenth, and on the night of the eleventh elev-enth the choir gave him a welcome home. Miss Lydia Pritchett who has been very sick for the past month is im-i proving. j Mrs. Caleb Hartley was taken to I tl.p Winters ho .pi La! at Mt. Pleasant Wednesday to undergo an operation. Mrs. Tx)is West of Chester and her sjfster, Mrs. May Hartley of Canada yHre visiting friends and relatives in ' Fairyiew this week. Mrs. Maud Olson of Provo who has ! spent the past month with her moth- 1 er, Mrs, Helena Anji'i'son, returned to her home Saturday. Mr." and Mrs. William Nicholson of Ogden are visiting with Mrs. I Jesse Turpin. Mrs. Bosen of Ephraim .-l i nt las! week with her daughter, Mrs. G-:mi-Tucker. Mr?. IIovvf.nl Cash of G.ir(i,-M i.t here1 visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. j A social event of last week was a supper given by Miss Fern Christen-sen Christen-sen at her home, Saturday twnii;;r. Avery pleasant lime was spent in pin;, ing games. Those present u ere the hostess, Fios -ie An l.T.-on, Vivila Cheney, Rowena Day, Mamie MaJ-sen, MaJ-sen, Marsella Lasson, Do' L Chmien-sen, Chmien-sen, Elsie Sorenson, Vida Jones, Madaline Morley, Bell Vance, and Agatha Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Johnson cul. r tained the members of the Sunshine club Friday evening. A very enjoyable enjoy-able eveiin was spent in music, stories and social chat. Dainty refreshments re-freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. George Mower, jr., are spending the week atCente:viHe having gone to attend the wedding of Mrs. Mower's brother. Miss Flora Jones, formerly one of our lady teachers, arid Mr. Edgar ' Thrope were married in the Manti ' temple Wednesday. i The Ladies Literary club met- at the home of Mrs Geneva Lavsen : April 17th, an int resting meeting! was held and delicious refreshments were served. i Mr. Peter Sund wall jr., and wife, are spending the week with lelatives here from their home in Salt Lake, j |