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Show Jefferson's Birthday Celebrated By Democrats ) Saturday the 13th was celebrated cele-brated in Mount Pleas-ant by the leading democrats of the county, it being the birthday of that great statesman, Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration Declar-ation of Independanca and great Democratic leader. County Chairman, L. P. Nelson, called the Democrats together from the various precincts in the county to celebrate the great event and also to transact other business. A large number of democrats from all over the county assembled themselves on this occasion and listened to eloquent addresses by State Sjnator L. M. 01-son, 01-son, and John S. Blainon the life -4and deecs of that great statesman. L. P. Nelson read a communication communica-tion from the New York Werld asking ask-ing for contr'butions towards the Jefferson Memorial fund, to which the late Mr. Pulitzer contributed $25,0C0 in his will. The sum of $10. was received from a free will offering offer-ing by those present. H. Leroy Nielson who will probably represent Sanpete county at the National Convention Con-vention in Batimore made a few remarks. re-marks. Th,e Democratic County Committee Commit-tee het and decided to select their deitatci-ta the State Convention to be held in Salt Lake City, May 14, 1912, by Precinct Primaries, which will be held not later than May 4th. The number of delegates from the The number of delegates from the respective precincts were apportioned apportion-ed as follows: . J. Mount Pleasant 6 '" Ephraim 5 X Sprinf City 2 Manti 4 Fairview, Milburn and Indianola, conjointly 3 Wales and Freedom 1 Gunnison and Fayette 1 Centerfield ' 2 Sterling and Mayfield 1 Moroni and Chester 3 Fountain Green and Freedom 1 The Jefferson Day Ball was given in the evening which was asocial and financial success Many availed themselves cf the opporunity of enjoying en-joying a pleasant evening. |