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Show I Douglas Streadbeck entertained entertain-ed the commercial club last Friday Fri-day evening. Games wera play-I play-I ed and a delicious luncheon was served to Mary and Anna Pagan, Helme Swens, Mary Krasavitch, Norrine Veilti, Bertha Butter-field, Butter-field, Leo Cook, Runnor Martinson. Martin-son. Geo, Sutherland and Harold Chesler. Mrs. Sarah Chri&topherson entertained the Musco Ve-vees Monday evening. Five hundred was played. Prizes were won by Mrs. George West, Mrs. Jano Jackson and Mrs. M. A. Stuart Other guests were: Mrs. Carl Carlson, Mrs. Frank Mead and j Mrs. Tom Nerdin. 1 I Miss Leona Christopherson entertained the F 0 B Club last Wednesday evening. The guests were: Mrs. Reed Stewart, Mrs. Loren Stokes, Miss Doris Masters, Mast-ers, Miss Nona Nerdin, and ,9' -Miss Margaret Ireland. DISTURBED SLEEP to NATURE'S NA-TURE'S SIGNAL "DANGER AHEAD." . Mr3. G. W. Bushong, Blooming-ton, Blooming-ton, III Says' "Come or write to 1012 S. East St. and I will tell you my ful experience with- Lithiated Buchu (Keller1 Formula). Often was disturbed 20 times a night." It acts on bladder as epsom salts do on bowels. Drives out foreign deiwsits and lessens excessive acidity. ' This relieves the irritation irrita-tion that causes getting up nights. ' The tablets cost 2c each at all drug stores, Keller Laboratory, ' Mechanicsburg, Ohio, or locally at Bingham Drug Company." . ! : |