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Show for patent for the lode mining claim, called the . Judicial Fraction Frac-tion lode mining claim, situated in West Mountain Mining District, Dis-trict, Salt Lake County, Utah, and designated by the field-. field-. notes and official plat on file in this office as Mineral Survey No. 6948 in the SWVi and SEi of Section 26, township 3 South, Range 3 West, Salt Lake meridian, meri-dian, said Mineral Survey ; No. 6948 being described as follows: Beginning at Corner No. 1 of the claim (from which the Vi corner between Sees. 25 and 26, T. 3 S., R. 3 W., Salt Lake meridian, meri-dian, bears N. 72 28' E. 2136.2 feet), thence from said Corner No. 1 running N. 80- 12' Ww 1500 feet to Corner No. 2 of the claim ; thence 9. 9 49' W. 200 feet to Corner No. 3 of the claim; thence S. 80 12' E. 1500 feet to Comer No. 4 of the claim, and thence N. 9 49' E. 200 feet to Corner No. 1 of the claim, the place of beginning. The total area of the claim as above described des-cribed 6.887 acres, from which are expressly excepted and excluded ex-cluded the following areas in conflict with the following nam. ed claims, to-wit: Lot 166, Starless lode, 0.319 acres, Lot 191, Amanda lode, 3.102 acres. Survey 3527, Klondike Klon-dike lode, (exclusive of areas in conflict with said Amanda lode and with tract designated on official of-ficial plat as Tract "A"), 2.310 acres. , Survey 8534, Emma lode, (exclusive of areas in conflict with said Starless, Amanda and Klondike lodes and' with tract designated on official plat as Tract "B"), 0.025 acres. Survey 3676, Emma No. 1 lode, (ex- . said Amanda lode and with tract , designated on officiat plat as Tract "C"), 0.218 acres. Survey t 3937, Copper mining Co. lode, (exclusive of areas , in conflict ; with said Klondike lode), 0.000 . acres. Survey 4317, Mattie lode, . (exclusive of areas in conflict with said Starless, Amanda and i Klondike lodes and with tract dc-i dc-i signated on official plat as Tract : "D"), 0.183 acres....6.157 acres. ' the area claimed and applied for I being 0.730 acres; The nearest claims being the , foregoing conflicting claims or lodes; also, Survey No. 3489, Charles Bead lode. . - Said claim is located in the SWVi and SEVi of Sec. 26, T. 3 S.. R. 3 W. of the Salt Lake Mer. idian. Salt Lake. County, Utah. ELI F. TAYLOR, Register. First publication, Feb. 28, 1929. Last publication, April 25, 1929. Serial No. 048090. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT. , UNITED STATES LAND OF- FICE, Salt Lake City, Utah, Feb. 21, 1929. . Notice is hereby given that Utah Copper Company, a corporation corpor-ation of New Jersey, whose post office address is Kearns Build-ing, Build-ing, Salt Lake City, Utah, by H. , C Goodrich, its Attorney-in-. Fact, whose postoffice address 3 same, hqs filed an application |