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Show II fi? THL WAY TO SUCCESS IS UNDOUBTEDLY THROUGH TRAINING WHIERpB?S??pRpE?.Vi'S CT Y0U TRAINING J WHLRE YOU ARE GIVEN PERSONAL ATTRNTTfW NEW CLASSES EACH WEEK W DAY AND SCHOOL. Call, Write or Phon for Information j I Salt Lake Business College j I ! mi v QUALITY SCHOOL I g J54 E. 1st South Wasatch 7280 f i ; ; ; - I SALT LAKE FLORAL COMPANY I umnr va a t -Visit our greenhouse. I WHOLESALE RPTATT ! . CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS FUNERAL PIECES & DECORATIONS EXPERT DESIGNERS , HONEST VALUES DEPENDABLE SERVICE Very good express service on Tooele Bus line at a very reasonable charge. & PHONE HY. 1118 NITE PHONE HY. 2539 We telegraph flowers to all leading cities. 1910 SOUTH STATE STREET sywraisrvrwrtliir liisfsisrwflisiirsisftffir " 1i Have your Health restored by Nature. Pressure on nerve in your spine is the cause of disease of vital organs in your I body. Chiropratctic adjustments will relieve these press. - urea for you. DR. CARL OJ LARSON J . Frominent Salt Lake Chiropractor, will be in Bingham Tues- f days from 8 to 10 P. M. and Saturdays from 5 to 8 p. m. Located at Palace Rooms, 485 Main St 1 PHONE 185. f Consultation free, 1 . sutMMmtMKisj - Six Cylinder Trucks with the economy of the fmr J CHEVROLET trucks now offer six-cylinder performance with its greater flexibility, -, ; greater reserve power, higher tpeed an4 , swifter acceleration. And the. new six-cylinder six-cylinder Chevrolet truck are not only offered in the price range of the four but they ar as economical to operate M their famous four- ' " cylinder predecessors! Both the Light Delivery -i and the 1M Ton Utility Chassis are available ; with n unusually wide selection of body type -r -and among them is one exactly suited, toyour re- . quiremcnta. Come in today. We'll gladly arrange a trial load demonstration load the truck a ( you would load it, and drive it over the road your truck must travel in a regular day' work Sedan Delivery. $S95; Light Delivery Chascls, $400; li Ton Chassis, $545; IH Ton Chawii with Cab, $650. All prices C o. b. factory, Flint, Mich. ADDEtlLEV & HGIjOLS Bingham Canyon, Utah o Six, in . the price range oj the Jour WtWMMtstlWMtlWtWtstl Bingham & Garfield RAILWAY COMPANY Ship your freight via Bingham and Garfield Railway. Fast : 8 daily merchandise cars from Salt Lake City in conaection : j with the Union Pacific System. : USE COPPER j - - Brass piping for $4500 cottage only costs $48-87 ' more than galvanized Iron piping and wiH , ; " LAST FOREVER IT. H.PERLEYWITS. IL L, DAVIDSON Asst. Gen. Freight t Pass. Agi Aget ; Salt Lake City, Utah Biagnaa, Utali ; Thousands of prescription) for this A-Vol stops pain la headaehea.nes remarkable formula were filled by ralgla. -dental pain, rheums turn, druggists last year, over XQ.000 pby A-Vol no comes la bandy tubes M , Btctana. dentlsU and welfare nurocs II tablet Kc. 9 tablet 60c. mea I recommend and endorse A-Vol as cine chest s:e $L0 at any pre.. a harmless, safe, rapid reltof tor icrlpUon oniKJlst or on receipt CC r pain, depression, fever, cold. flu. prce from A-Vol Co, Holton, Kfi T Contains No Aspirin or Other Heart Depresssnts. Headaches! Cold! K2uralia! Dental Palal j iBtltMiptsilWIIllW . S BEE HIVE STAGES ! j J! Salt Lake City, Pocatello, Twin Falls, Idaho Falls, Boise, J Portland, and All Points in Idaho and Oregon. - j y; j Park City and Tooele. . BUSSES ALSO LEAVE FOR . j j Los Angel, San Francisco, Denver, Chicago, Reno, , Ely,.,; U 1 Heber City, Duchesne, Vernal, Coalville, Grantsvllle, Alta, r I f Union Bus Station 144 East Broadway j SALT LAKE CITY WA3. g2M . g auwuwiiiuuiMuiiiiiiiMiiiiM.iiiiT'n nnTTnmnnrnTTTrTnii -hthttt" m CITIZENS COAL & SUPPLY CO. Coal, Ice, Hay and Grain DELIVERED to all Parts of Bingham Canyon PHONE 39 WiWhThttrtshWIsM i Sibp at ivQurray I Bettor Prices, Better Used Gars j . Always a Good Assortment: r On Hand EaiyTerni Small Down Payment j R.J.FRYInc. MURRAY, UTAH i I Tel: Murray 390 4915-17 So. State Sty ,nnjnnjiin)sjsnsinjsjn Do as thousands of motor-" motor-" ists are -doing-test Buick against any other car learn the full extent of its leader- . ship then you; too, will jCl buy a Buick! behind the wheel and get thefaaslp.fe 1 SEUBS 116 SERIES 111 SERIES 129 1220totl20 IUS0 to 11)20 f 175 to f 214 ' J" ' ' ill9$Jia)0 lJU50 fUtoft875 CoPr " ' 122 'x ilSaSioilSSO 2?" "ill Buick Factory, pedal equipment eztra. (Weoieat P'bS ,Xa uTc Tin- Psr Pl Randall Dodd Auto Co. 47 . 53 Second East St. r- Salt Lake City -RUPTURE EXPERT HERE F. H, Seeley, of Chicago and Philadelphia, nationally famous expert, will himself personally be at the Roberts Hotel, and will remain in Provo Saturday only, March 16, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Mr. Seeley says: "The Spermatic shield will not only retain any ease of rupture perfectly, but contracts the opening in 10 days on the aver, age case. Being a vast advancement advance-ment over all former methods exemplifying Instantaneous effects immediately appreciable and withstanding any strain or position no matter the size or location. lo-cation. Large or difficult cases, or incisional ruptures (following operations) specially solicited. This instrument received the only on-ly award in England and in Spain, producing results without surgery, injections, medical treatments or prescriptions, with distinguished persona) pa. trons of all nations." 'Hi method me-thod has aJwiVs been most satisfactory." sa-tisfactory." Late Dr. Edward Shippen, former Medical Director, Direc-tor, U. S. Navy. This instrument is the same as supplied to Surg. Genls. Bu. reau, U. S. Naval Hospital - Penn. R. R. Etc Etc He will be glad to demonstrate without charge or fit them if desired. de-sired. Business demands prevents pre-vents st opping at any other place in this section. N. B. Every statement in this notice has been verified be. fore the Federal and State Courts. F. H. Seeley. CAUTION All cases should be cautioned against the use of any elastic or web truss with understraps, as same rest where the lump is and not where the opening is, often resulting in strangulation. Home Office, 117 N. Dearborn St, Chicago, 111. ... O'Doiwell &Co. Funeral Directors Bingham Canyon, Utah ' Phone 17 Salt Lake Phone Wasatch 6461 i ... . - |