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Show THE BINGHAM BULLETIN J. R. Jarvis, Editor Published at 446 Main St., Bingham Canyon, Utah Subscription Price, per year, in advance .. : ..... $2.00 Entered as second-clas- s matter at the postoffice at Bingham Canyon, Utah, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Douglas Streadbeck entertain-ed the commercial club last Fri-day evening. Games wera ed and a delicious luncheon was served to Mary and Anna Pagan, Helme Swens, Mary Krasavitch, Norrine Veilti, Bertha Butter-fiel- d, Leo Cook, Runnor Martin-son. Geo, Sutherland and Harold Chesler. Mrs. Sarah Chri&topherson entertained the Musco Ve-ve-es Monday evening. Five hundred was played. Prizes were won by Mrs. George West, Mrs. Jano Jackson and Mrs. M. A. Stuart Other guests were: Mrs. Carl Carlson, Mrs. Frank Mead and j Mrs. Tom Nerdin. I Miss Leona Christopherson entertained the F 0 B Club last Wednesday evening. The guests were: Mrs. Reed Stewart, Mrs. Loren Stokes, Miss Doris Mast-ers, Miss Nona Nerdin, and ,9' Miss Margaret Ireland. DISTURBED SLEEP to NA-TURE'S SIGNAL "DANGER AHEAD." . Mr3. G. W. Bushong, Blooming-to- n, III Says' "Come or write to 1012 S. East St. and I will tell you my ful experience with- - Lithiated Buchu (Keller1 Formula). Often was disturbed 20 times a night." It acts on bladder as epsom salts do on bowels. Drives out foreign deiwsits and lessens excessive acidity. ' This relieves the irrita-tion that causes getting up nights. ' The tablets cost 2c each at all drug stores, Keller Laboratory, ' Mechanicsburg, Ohio, or locally at Bingham Drug Company." . ! : Mrs. Julia Roudabuah and Mrs. Harry Pitts were hostesses to the Martha Sewing Circle on Wednesday afternoon of last week, at the Masonic Hall.. Re-freshments were served to Mrs. Eugene Chandler, Mrs. George Bolman, Mrs. Roscoe Casper, Mrs. Bert Roberts, Mrs. R. G. Frazier, Mrs. James Jensen, Mrs. L. B. Bishop, Mw. Andy Anderon, Mrs. Will Trevarthen, Mrs. John Robertson, Mrs. Geo. Robbei Mrs. Joe Kemp, Mrs, Ar-thur Macke, Mrs. Earl Nepple, Mrs. Ray Sumnicht, . Mrs. Will Meyers,. Mrs. Anna Hull, Mrs. Theo Chesler . and Mrs. A. C. Larick. ' Mr. and Mrs. Nat Segil enter-tained the M B club . Tuesday evening. The guests included: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Atkin, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morris, . Mr. aid Mrs. James Mclntyre and Mr. and S. E. Fernley. Mrs. W. S. Jones entertained the G G G G Club at a Matinee party at the Playhouse Saturday afternoon,, - After, the Matinee the guests enjoyed dinner at Mrs. Jones' home on East South Temple.-- : Places were laid for Mrs. Louis Buchman, Mrs. Geo. Bolman, Mrs. R. G. Frazier, Mrs., Robert Hone, , Mrs. 0. S. Jensen,. Mrs.' J.-- Meyers, Mrs. Boyd Barnard, Mra. Eugene Chandler, Mrs. "" Eugene Morris, Mrs. J. C Leise'r, Mrs. M. A. Cotter, Mrs. Harvey Garrity, Mrs. Rex Tripp, Mrs. J. D. Shil-ling, Mrs. Arthur Maly, Mrs. Le-la- nd Walker, , Mrs. Neva Abel, Mrs. Joe Kemp, and Mrs. A. G. Cole, and Mrs. Margaret Thomas of Midvale. ; The Canyon Garage, agents for Durant cars, has opened a beautiful display room in the south front corner of their gar-age, where the latest models of Durant cars are displayed. The room is beautifully ' decorated and lighted in a very attractive manner. - ' ' Mrs. John Slotti and Mrs. F. Johnson entertained at a stork shower for Mrs. Axel Foreberg. Five hundred was played. Those present were, Mrs. Ed. Johnson, Mrs. Jack Backhand, Mrs. 1L Strand, Mrs. Sam Joffs, Mrs. Jack Bartell Mrs. Herman John-son, Mrs. Sam Sutherland, Mrs. Vic Matson, Mi's. Erick Johnson, Mrs. John Swens, Mra.' Erick Erickson, Mrs. Gus Johnson, Mrs. Chri3t Hermanson, Mrs. Charles Matson, Mrs. John Alt-to- n Smith and Mrs. John Quist. any beautiful gifts were receiv-ed. ; Mrs. H. R. Atkin entertained at a Bridge party Saturday af-ternoon. Luncheon was served to Mrs. Andy Anderson, Mrs. Paul Ransom, Mrs. George Bih-le- r. Mrs. Arthur Macke, Mrs. A. C. Larrick Mrs. J. M. Wood-hous- e, Mrs. R. A. Payne, Mrs. Nat Segil, Mrs. Earl Nepple, Mrs. James Mclntyre, Mrs. Fe-n-o Shafer, Mrs. Edna P. Wade, Mrs. tf. A. Ingalls, Mrs. W. H. Harris, Mrs. Theo Chesler, Mrs. George Robbe, Miss Alta Acord, Miss Dora Hansen and Miss Jen-nie Buchman. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Poulsen entertained Thursd v oycivng of last week. Luncheon was served to. Mr. and Mrs. John Thornberg, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Johnson, Mr. and Mr3. Tiobert Wells, Mr. and "Mrsv Charrlcs Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Terry and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albplan-alp- - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Home entertained the A. B. Bridge Club Wednesday evening of last week. High scores were won by Mrs. 0. S. Jensen and Mr. Styrl Argyle. Luncheon was served to Mrs. Jensen, Mr. Argyle, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Maly, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Aven, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lawrence Snow, Mr. Bud Aven and Mr. Brent Lynch. Mrs. Will Trevarthen enter-tained the Emanon Bridge club Friday evening. Prizes were won by Miss Alta Acord and Mrs.' Robert Hone. Luncheon was served to Miss Acord,' Mrs. Hone, Miss Dora Hansen, Mrs. L. C. Jones, Mrs. Joe Kemp, Mrs.' 0. S. Jensen, Mrs. A. C. Larrick, Mrs. Paul Ransom, Mrs. Ren Nichols, Mrs. Rex Tripp, and Mrs. Nettie Christensen. ' ...... - ; . Mrs. Will Meyers and Mrs. Joe Marriott entertained the Civic club Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Meyers. Refresh-ments were served to the follow-ing: Mrs. James Nerdin, Mrs. Arthur Cook, Mrs. C. I Coun-tryman, Mrs. Ed Johnson, Mrs. H. C. McShane, Mrs. Robert Kel-le- y, Mrs. Joe Kemp, Mrs. A. C. Larick, Mrs. J. B. Meyers, Mrs. Bert Roberts, Mrs. H. R. Atkin. Mrs. R. A. Payne, Mrs. J. M. Woodhouse, Mrs. W. H. Harris, Mrs. Thomas Masters, Mrs. J. West, Mrs. John Nerdin, Mrs. James Vietti and Mrs. R. G. Fra-zier. Miss Norma Osen entertained last Wednesday evening. Her guests were: Jennie Steele, Ma-ry Masters, Anna Steele, Evelyn Vietti, Lucille Olsen and Nona Nerdin. Mrs. Robt. Rodda entertained the Just-A-Me- re Club at a lun-cheon Wednesday afternoon : of last week. : St. Patrick ideas - were carried out in the table ap-pointments. Places were mark-ed for Mrs. Wm. Keim, Mrs. Dan Sullivan, Mrs. Geo. Andei-so- n, Mrs. Charles Sulkmger, Mrs. Heber Nichols, . Mrs. Dewey Knudsen, Mrs. Howard - Fisher, Mrs. Mark Hansen, Mra. Basil Doman, Mrs. R'.y Watson and Mrs. William Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0. Jones en-tertained the Engineers Club Friday evening. The guests in-cluded Mr. and Mrs. Heber Nichr ols, Mr. and Mrs. . Wtx Keim, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stee'e, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Doman and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sull-ingei- .. Bell Ringer 'What Is said to be the oldest Dill vlnt-ln- s society Id existence, the An dent Society of College Youths, was j founded In 1C3T and bos memtw-r- s throughout the world. Twelve mem-bers of this society were recently granted permission to ring on the 12 hells of St. Paul's cathedral (London), peal of Stednian Cinques" a method of ringing composed by Fa-bian Stedmao of Cambridge. England, about 1640. ooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooo ' o o Vs o o ' Iff $P Jt'' I s , wM 1 o s M'v5f jnxii V'lLi 2 o . : ! 111 vyr V'm . ,. .:. : . "P., . w ... ;"o O YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE AN EXPERT TO APPRECIATE THAT CLOTHCRAFT O- ''.":.',::v ' 0 O CLOTHES ARE A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. THEY HELP TO MAKE FIRST IM- - o . vv-- ' - C; O PRESSIONS COUNT FOR YOU. ' SELECT ANY COLOR, PATTERN OR STYLE AND ' 0. Oo YOU MAY BE CERTAIN OF SMARTNESS . . ; FEEL THAT YOU ARE CORRECT- - Q . . o O LY DRESSED. ' THlC PRICE HITS THE MARK FOR FULL VALUE. O 0 o O . Q 1 Bingham JilERc Co. g g THE BIG STORE o OOOOOOOOQ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 15 & 16 i AGAIN FEATURING EXCEPTIONAL VALUES ! 10eCremeOilSoap......'...iefor?i.bo 'T - 35c 4 fltf $1 .00 I 10c Lux Toilet Soap. A 4 ; JW . 30c Laxative Bromo R fnr CI ' 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap ..6 for $1.00 fg" Quinine U liUU ' 75c Ilillrose Theatrical Cream, . 40c Castoria ....... 4 for $1.00 ..jciori.w - OcJerpnrfUllon pound .......... 3to1M . M : ' Sc Cawaret. . . . . . . 6 for $1.00 ;. JavaPowderSforSUO ,MM i e'iraUoSlUO I V ? . 50c Lablache Powder.... 3 for ?1 1S $1.25 CreomuUion ...... $1.00 I 50c Pebeco Tooth J U, QQ Jj M 50c Mentholatum . . . 3 for $1.00 I ? Paste.... ,U,l' $1.25 Bayer's Aspirin Tableta, tfl Art p 50c Benocline Tooth. O nrJ1 HQ. :. te 100's .... I Paste..... jjfflm ,$uo 1 flfl ; dL--Tooth VI S" flfi 1W A h 2Z Agarol ..... .2for$1.0fl ' ,......3for$1.00 ;fc L . B f 1 3 for $1.00 i 1 50cAutoStrop 3 fQr SI .00 " W XlY'l 35c Gold Dust.... 4 for $1.00 I Blades, 5's ..... . - Bp Sm jhr I 10c Feb 1R fnr CI 00 . 50c Super-Lath- er 3f(ir$1 00 pi J il 4 Naptha Soap .J3 lUI liUU Shaving Cream.... Jjg? UI 75c Mellin's Food . . . . 2 for $1 .00 ' srr 3for$i.oo llX rnr'..BfttJi.eo ' : phor, Glycerine and Am- - X . 25c Resi- - C fnr ff f nfl 50c Cedar Oil Compound, nol Soap 3 lUI I .UU pint iroonia t 1 X $150 Capitol Fountain Pen; 14 Karat Gold X. A M 1 tOr M S Point, Iridium $100 U IUII.UU f Tipped.;. ' " - jV X 50c Eaton's Aberdare Linen; 24 double Q fnr 1 fill 7 i Sheets; 24 Envelopes 0 IUI JlilMJ w. ... i5c wash cioths. A',; I Soft, double knit IUIUIliUJ- 1 7 ; ;! SI2S"TS; 15c Lyndhurst Silk Tissue Toilet 19 ffir 3 boxes VV-- i .t Paper, --piiUU S1 flf : 4 I VA cr.:?Biw $1.50 Knight Hot Water Bottle. t1 flfl - X No. 2 Size J' L, .,- - fx tVt-- '' 51.00 $1.50 Knight Fountain Syringe. CI flfl d J No.2size... JhUU X- - j 45c Kotex; 12 in packapre . . . . 3 for $1.00 1 J I Complete Service I THE mURfJAY LAUflDRY s We have a complete force of courteous I solicitors who will call for and delivers l bundles promptly and properly, every day : in the week. f All work guaranteed. Let us serve you. : Fred Streadbeck, Local Mgr. j No More Gas In Stomach and Bowels If you with to b permanently r lieved of gaa In tomMch and bowel a, J tttkv Baalmann'a Caa Tablta. which art prepared especially for stomach gaa and all the bad effect a reulting from 1 (at preeaure. 1 That ampty, gnawing feeling at tho j pit ot the atomic h wiU disappear; that ' anxious, nervous feeling with heart pat-- J citation will vanish, and yon will again I be able to take m deep breath without ' discomfort. J That drowsy, sleepy feeling aftef j clfnner will be replaced by a desire for J entertainment. Bloating will ceaae. J Vour limbs, arms and fingera will no J l nger feel cold and "go to sleep be J rause Baalmann'a Caa Tablets prevent J g ta from interfering with the circula- - tton. Get the genuine. In the yellow pack- - J ake, t au goeti dfUtf tgr fric $1 J Always on hand at a SCHRAMM . JOHNSON S DRUG STORES Cautt for Worry Mrs. Grant had given her ten-yea- r old neighbor, Joe. some fresh-bake-nome- wad- e cookies, dellclously dusted with granulated sugar. Joe evidently ' had experienced some difficulties Id j the past with the efflclent eating of every crumb of such dainties, for he turned to bis mother with an anxious air and Queried: "Momma. Is this sugar stotlonnry?" a a Economic Move The society for the Saving of Time, a newly founded efficiency organlza tlon In France, has decided In favoi of the shortening of names. It wunts to limit family names to Ave letters and other names to two. In this way, tt Is declared the business worM j would save miif money In correspond I ence yearly j a a a Boy't Common Sent Where experts failed, the small sou of a farmer living near Saranuc Luke succeeded. Au electric pump attached to well ceased functioning. An ex-pert from riattsburg was tinuble to locate the trouble. Then an expert from the pump factory Investigated with similar results. The boy sug gested that his father look In the well He did The well whs drv Com Combinations I ,ORN all by itself is warm in Ml color and delicious in taste. Jt tit corn can It cunningly vomliined with fish, meat and other so as to retain all its own ' succulent flavur and also give an aiUli'.ional hllip to the appetite by intr:Kuititf the palate with the flav-ors ot other foods. For instance, t!nre is: Cora and Salmon Pudding; Mix in the following order, contents of one number 2 can of corn, one tablespoon melted butter, one-ha- lf teaspoon fait, one-eigh-teaspoon pepper, one small can a!mon and one tablespoon heavy crram or evaporated milk. Bake in a buttered baking dish in a modi-rat-e oven, 350, for thirty min-utes. This will serve from six to rifcrht. With Meats and Vegetables Hiinlrurg and for Scramble: Same one medium chopped onion in two tablespoons of i,'.tcr a. lew minutes, add three-quarte- of a pound of Hamburg steak, and stir until well browned. Add one num-ber 2 can corn, two teaspoons salt and one-four- th teaspoon pepper, and heat. This, too, will serve front six to eight people. Escalloped Corn and Egyplant: Chop coarsely one green pepper and two pimicntos and saute them with one-ha- lf a medium eggplant, diced, (about three cups) in three table-spoons butter until slightly brown. Add one number 2 can corn, one cup thin cream or rich milk, two teaspoons salt, one-four- th teaspoon pepper and one-four- teaspoon cel-ery salt, and pour into a buttered , , casserole. Cover with fluttered " crumbs, and bake, covered. Remove cover at the last to brown the crumbs. This will serve from four to six people. " DIVIDEND NOTICE. , DIVIDEND NOTICE NO. 28. BINGHAM MINES COM-PANY. Natice is hereby given to the stockholders, of the Bingham Mines Company, a corporation of the state of Maine, that Divi-dend No. 28 of Fifty Cents ($0.50) per share has been de-clared by the Board of Directors ' upon the outstanding capital stock of the corporation, payable on April 5th, 1929, to stockhold-ers of record March 20th, 1929. Books do not close (Signed) JAMES P. GRAVES, ' President. . (Signed) THOMAS S. WOODS, Treasurer. Dated Marlh 12, 1929. |