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Show iTi BASINRAILROAD IMiks h U Denver and Itlo Grande Might Ho Interested. Threo prominent railroad officials, A 1 Apporson, general superintendent superintend-ent or the Denver and Itlo Grande, J G, Ovvynn, chief engineer, and V. I Urown, lco prcsldont of the same system, accompanied by U. C. Wins-low, Wins-low, passenger conductor on the main line, made a thorough tour of the Uintah Hasln soma ten days ago, touching nearly every section where their big car could travel. They would not disclost) the object of their visit but procured a great deal of Information In-formation pertaining to tho land now under cultivation and the extensive acreago that will be farmed ut an early clato. Their estimate of tho land now cultivated Is between a hundred and twenty-five and a hundred and fifty thousand acres. Prom Superintendent Kncdle of the Indian department they received the Information that between eight) -five thousand and u hundred thousand acres or Indian land alone would be under cultivation before tho )ear 1919. On the whole they were very much pleased with future possibilities that present themselves there. I C. Wins-Ion Wins-Ion Is a brother of Mrs. Joo II, Roberts Rob-erts of Price und bus bcon talking a railroad from Soldier Summit to tho reservation country for months. It looks now as If ho was beginning to Interest others. |