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Show MAN ACCIDKXTAl.l.Y KILLS hKI.P WITH OWN HKVOI.VHIt KI'llltAIM. Sept. t C V. Whiting. 37 ear or age and formerly local manager for the C nsolldated Wagon mid Machine company, hut who or late years had been emploed In Bait Ijike City, accidentally shot and killed himself today with u revolver from which, he was attempting to remove two cartridge which hud become jammed by the mechanism. Whiting was found near tho western west-ern edge of town by his wife, who had gone In aeoroh of him when he failed to return far luncheon nt noon. ThU morning ho told her he wa going Into a field near by to flro tho rovolver and so remove the danger from tho cartridge. cart-ridge. When he wo found ho wan seated beneath u tree. HI penknife, lay liwldo him. and It I thought ho wa trying to romova the cartridge with the knlfo when the weapon wa dlsoharged. The bullet entered the abdomen and ranged downward. Death I believed to have been almost al-most Inxtontancou. HI wife and daughter survive him. |