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Show FAIL PIANTED WHEAT Hpli-mllil HcMitltM Olitnliutl In (hrlMHi mid limiT) Cumuli. . "."'"V HA " frm rtamoa-strator rtamoa-strator for Carton and Mmary oun-tlaa oun-tlaa nnd agent of the United Stale department of nrUure at lrle haa addred The Run under lat of last TuwKlny as follows: Thla year wi nave had exeellant re. aults In Carbon and Hmery cuuntl. th fall planted wheat (turke? red? We have had Bood Mjeeeae the mm two joa. now. ad i ,, ' "V Wln,cr Wheot vcr" wreeatfuii" "Now la tho time to eommanee au, work for fall planting vZZZ say eight or ten Inehes, and afterl " paring the soil welt plant with gra n drill to a depth of to a m Lt half or three Inches, if ,h' ' ufflcUnt motaiure In the 1 to g.rm-Iwt. g.rm-Iwt. the heat irriMl. the tamfl. tl.7Sr.rnVh,7UKh',Ut th ,w" -n. imw ueairing to wopfiitte with ma |